
Sage showered quickly, taking a few more minutes to get dressed and such, before he and Mari switched places. He sort of just laid around in bed d he waited for her, chuckling sleepy when she finally crawled into bed and spoke up. "Pissing people off," he noted lightly, nestling in to her happily and letting his eyes drift close as he relaxed.
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Mari couldn't help her small chuckle at the comment, thought eventually just let out a heavy breath, slowly relaxing. It was so silly that being able to relax like this was so... well, she didn't know. It was so comforting. She loved having him near her. They were both safe. They'd been together so long by now, and she knew she should have gotten over it but she just couldn't. Eventually, she closed her eyes and buried herself under the covers as she started to relax.
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Sage found himself falling asleep rather quickly, though he supposed it made sense....he'd been out and about all day, so now that he let himself relax he was quite tired. That was ok...it had all been very much worth it, in his opinion. He woke up to a small bit of sun streaming through the window, where the breeze from the open window moved the curtains about. He sort of shifted to hold amri tighter before relaxing with a soft huff of air, just so glad to have her there with him.
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Mari eventually fell asleep rather quickly, admittedly happy to have a bit of rest. She never did an awful lot nowadays... so when she did have something to do, or something different happened, she found herself even more tried than normal. She only really woke up when she felt Sage squeeze her, though it was momentary to press a her lips to his neck again before settling down and drifting back off to sleep.
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Sage sort of hummed quietly when he felt her peck his neck, just nestling and drifting in and out of sleep for a while longer. He wasn't really sure what time it was....but the kids were still asleep so he figured it wasn't too late or anything. They'd be up and about before ten for sure, probably a while before then. He wasn't really concerned about it at all. Besides, they were both old enough to handle it if he and Mari weren't up before then now, and he would never get used to being able to wake up comfortable and safe, with a woman he loved.
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The woman drifted off to sleep again after a little bit... she was admittedly very happy just to sleep. Sage was with her, and he was safe, and warm and... well, when she'd woken up again she was able to see just how gorgeous he was when he slept. Except, she wouldn't tell him that incase it came across weirdly. He knew just what she through of him anyway. She woke up after about another half hour or so, just happy to relax in bed for a little while. She found herself drawing shapes on the man's chest, before eventually deciding she was just too tired for that and slipped her hands up his shirt groggily.
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Sage really didn't pay much attention to Mari as she sort of shifted for a bit, fingers moving across his chest and all. He let out a sort of groan when she slipped then under his shirt though ..they were sort of cold. "You're cold," he sort of grumbled, though after a tiny wriggle he settled down again, obviously not minding at all. They'd warmed up by the time he'd really registered anyyhing anyway, if he was being totally honest. He shut up after that, still definitely half asleep and not wanting to disturb them.
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Mari gave a small hum after a moment, admittedly a little fidgety now... well, only a little bit. She was still exhausted all the same. She was asleeep for a little while longer, though after about half hour she started to wake up. She stayed still for a little bit, though soon crawled out of bed to make some breakfast for Sage, then wandered back upstairs to pop it on the side table. She sort of stared at him, debating weather or not to to wake him up nicely or not... she eventually just flopped ontop of him with a soft chuckle. When she felt him stir, she moved to press a light kiss to his chin. "I made you breakfast," she hummed in amusement.
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Sage sort of just lay around for a while longer...he'd noticed when she slid out of bed but drifted off again quickly afterwards, so he didn't pay it much mind. It wasn't exactly an unusual occurrence. When she flopped down onto him he sort of just stirred lazily, grunting in response to her comment and competing around her, pulling her against him. He stayed that way for a few minutes until he woke a bit more and he could smell whatever it was she had made, and his attention slowly turned to that and actually waking up.
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Mari groaned when he sort of just wrapped around her, but was happy enough to just go limp against him. She wrapped her arms softly around him, happy just to relax for a few minutes until he'd woken up again. When she felt him waking up again, she hummed softly before sort of trying to sit up on her forearms with a little grunt. She pecked his lips again playfully before patting his cheek. "Breakfast will be getting cold babe," she mused gently.
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