
Sage sort of humemd light and nodded in response to her comment, sitting up with a grunt after a moment. "I'll wrangle the kids together then," he mused lightly, stretching before moving to get up and out of the bed, grabbing clothes to change into. "Mmm, he could probably drop kick me into the sun if he so chose," he noted with a laugh. "I suppose I should just be grateful he likes me enough not to do that," he added, still just rather amused with it all.
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Mari shook her head and gave a small but amused chuckle when he mentioned the doctor. "He probably could have quite easily too, back when you first came here," she mused. She nodded when he mentioned the kids, and went to get changed and waddled downstairs before giving a small chuckle when the kids ran downstairs. She greeted them happily before handing a basket to Silas when he offered to carry it. "If it gets heavy give it back to me, yeah?" She told him with a chuckle, then looked over to Sage as she waited for him to get ready.
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Sage chuckled and nodded with an amused expression on his face. "When I first showed up I was small enough Anya could carry me all the way from the shack to his office bridal style," he snorted, shaking his head. He still to this day wondered how that one had managed to happen. Though, soon enough they'd got to work, and he'd grabbed the basket from Mari happily, nodding in agreement to her comment as he wandered out the door behind the kids, who were hopping about happily in front of them. He was content to just grab Maris hand and wander along behind them, occasionally calling out a warning or something along those lines.
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Mari wandered along happily, though a subconscious smile spread across her face when her husband went to grab her hand. She watched as the children ran off, kind of keeping an eye on them... though, it was only half an eye, side she was busy watching the surroundings as they wandered along. She sort of decided they should probably go to the lake... it was nice down there, and the kids could mess around while she and Sage relaxed a little. Well, she would relax, she had no doubt her husband would run around with the kids.
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Sage was happy to just wander around with Mari, listening to the kids laugh and watching them run around. It had been a while since he'd gotten out and about with any of them, except Silas 'helping' with the horses here and there. They didn't get out into the woods much....and he did miss it. Just doing whatever he wanted to, outside. Part of him still wanted to be on the streets, to have that adventure and freedom that came with it. But mostly, he was fine with just hiking. Spending the day outside, and then coming back to a home they'd built themselves. They settled down in a nice spot by the lake after a bit, and he moved to run around with the kids for a while before he moved to go relax by Mari, rather wet in places but eyes glittering happily.
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Mari wandered along happily, eventually finding her way towards the lake. The kids were already there, splashing around happily. She was suddenly happy she'd remembered some towels. Especially happy she brought those when Sage followed the kids in too. She chuckled and went to set the picnic out, and pulled a blanket out for Sage when he set himself next to her. She smiled and moved to throw a towel over his shoulders with a small hum. "Don't catch a cold, we don't need that right now," she chuckled softly.
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Sage chuckled softly when Mari tossed the towel in his direction, giving her a grin. "Oh, I'll be fine," he mused lightly, but moved to dry himself off best he could anyway. She was right, he knew that...but he also knew it wasn't cold enough they really had to worry too much. If it was, neither he or Mari would have let the kids in the water in the first place. He appreciated her concern though....he always did. Once he was as dry as he could get himself, he moved to reach for the food, sort of just snacking on some of the fruit and such they'd brought along.
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Mari raised a brow when he insisted that he'd be fine, and sort of shook her head gently. "You'll get cold if you sit around in wet clothes and you know that," she mused. "Last thing we need is you bringing a cold into our house," Mari mused. She sort of settled down to eat, though the kids seemed pretty happy just to run around and come back and snack on some food every now and then. She made them sit down while they ate a sandwich, though eventually they went back to running around... the weather was pretty good today, so she wasn't too concerned about them getting cold if they were running about. She sort of looked over at Sage with a small hum, her brow slightly raised. "Is the old man finished running around then?" She asked with a small chuckle.
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Sage sort of hummed with a shrug in response to her comment, peeking down at his clothes. 'im not that wet," he protested with a sort of chuckle, but he knew she was right. He greeted the kids happily whenever they popped in, but really just enjoyed watching them run about happily, nestling in against maris side, leaning against the big old tree that was behind them. "The old man would play more but want to spend some time with his wife too," he mused lighting response to her comment, sort of just grinning over at her happily.
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Mari sort of hummed in agreement, and gently patted his shoulder when he nestled into her side. She looked out at the lake and let a small chuckle escape her. "Well the old man's wife wouldn't be too concerned if he went out to play with their children," she teased, moving to press a light kiss to his cheek. She grinned when then kids came back over, though she did have them sit down for a moment to actually eat some food. She glanced over at him when she saw him grinning at her, and sort of rolled her eyes before flopping over against him.
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