
Sage chuckled softly in response to her comments, sort of just pressing another light kiss to the top of her head. "I suppose you'll find out later then," he hummed, a grin sort of lingering on his face. It always was nice to wake up joking around with her. They had peace and quiet before the kids woke up, just the two of them. And their room really was nice and warm and comfortable, and he wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it. But he certainly appreciated it, and how hard they'd worked to get this too.
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Mari smiled softly to the boy when he pecked her head, and sort of gave a little squeeze. "I think I love you," she mused softly, burying her nose into his chest with an amused chuckle. She did wonder if she should maybe go see the queen at some point... she did miss the liveliness of the castle. She had to admit, while she loved their family, it could get a little bit lonely here. She loved the kids and Sage... but really they were all she had, minus her siblings and mother. She'd lost contact with a lot of the maids she'd been friends with up in the castle when she'd stopped working there. The kids had the friends they made out on the streets, Sage had Anya and the doctor, and sometimes it just felt she was pretty lonely here. It was a silly thought, really.
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Sage sort of hummed inr esponse to the girl's comment, chuckling softly. "I would hope so. We've been married long enough two have two kids," he pointed out, really just teasing her a little bit now that he'd woken up a bit more. At this point he was msotly awake, but they were both just laying around and relaxing. Cuddling. Which he was more than ok with...and he figured Mari was enjoying it all too, sicne she hadn't gotten up to go clean or anything yet. That was a somewhat amusign thought too, he supposed.
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Mari sort of shook her head with an an amused hum. "We only had one of our children inside this marriage," she mused, "and we'd only been together a few weeks when I got pregnant with Silas," she chuckled. It was a little bit crazy looking back on it all. They really hadn't known eachother very long at all. She definitely liked him, but at the time certainly not enough to have a child. She sort of learned to love him along the way. It was a little bit crazy to keep a child at that point in their relationship she supposed. And they hadn't actually gotten married until Silas was just over a year old... it was a little odd when she thought about it.
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Sage sort of hummed in agreement, thinking back to the time they'd found out she'd been pregnant with Silas. "Well, everything worked out ok," he hummed. "Though we probably could have been a little bit more responsible than we were," he admitted with a sheepish chuckle. But they did love each other, and their marriage was absolutely wonderful. They had beautiful children, and a wonderful house, and none of that would ever change.
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The woman looked up at him after a moment and nodded in agreement. "Well, that's true," she smiled, going to peck his cheek. "We were responsible enough. The kids aren't on the streets like you were," she mused. "They've got two loving parents, and uncles and grandparents... a nice house. They're comfortable. That's more than what we had," she murmured softly, a happy smile crossing her face. The important bit was that they were happy. (short on the run)
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Sage hummed lightly and nodded with a soft smile in response to her comment. "That's true," he hummed. "We've made it pretty far, if you ask me," he added with a sort of chuckle. It was true, they'd both worked hard and made this happen for themselves. But he would never have ever tried for this if he hadn't met mari. (Same here lol)
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Mari smiled over at him, giving a little nod. "That we have," she chirped happily. She sort of just rested her her against his chest with a soft huff. She was quiet for a little bit, though soon lifted her head to press a light kiss to her husbands chin. "Go sort the horses, I'll get breakfast ready," she murmured softly.
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Sage hummed lightly in response to her comment, sort of reminiscing on all the years they'd been together, and how much they'd put into this little home of theirs. When Mari spoke up again though, he sort of grunted and nodded in agreement, pecking her head before rolling out of bed and tossing on some clothes, getting ready quick before wandering out to the barn to take care of things.
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Mari smiled softly to him before sort of standing up to get changed when he left. She wandered downstairs, more than happy to start an English breakfast for the family. Soon enough, everything was done and set on the table. She called Sage in before going to gently waking the kids, knowing Sage would probably take a little bit longer. It wasn't too much longer until they were all happily sat around the table though.
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