
Sage sort of hummed and nodded, thanking for a moment. "We can always introduce her to a male and if shes not receptive we'll know she's not up for it," he noted with a shrug, patting the cat as she'd moved to nudge his arm, wanting his attention despite already having plenty of it. "I'll start looking around," he added lightly, sort of just relaxing happily next to Mari. He did hope amber would be able to have kittens....but if not, that was all right.
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Mari looked over at the boy, and nodded in agreement before giving a little smile. "It's what ever you'd like babe," she mused gently. She wasn't too fussed... if it was something Sage thought would work, then really what was the harm? After a moment she just grinned and rolled onto her side to curl into him. "It would be very sweet though," she chirped happily.
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Sage sort of hummed lightly and nodded, still stroking the cat happily. "Yeah, it would," he mused, making up his mind to start looking through the papers and such the next day. For now though, he was content to just sit here with mari and the cat and just relax for a little while. There wasn't really anything else they needed to do that day, so they could afford a day of rest. It would probably do them both some good, anyway.
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Mari smiled happily to the man before curling into his side. The cat moved to get comfortable, curling into her side softly. She looked at Sage after a moment, though. "What are you wanting for dinner? If we wanted to, we could go out and get something nice before I go get the kids," she mused lightly. She loved the children, but it was nice to have a treat the two of them... she could make something for the kids later.
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Sage curled up happily, absentmindedly continuing to stroke the cat gently once she settled back down between them. Though, at Mari's comment he sort of hummed in thought for a moment before shrugging. "That could be nice," he admitted, nodding his head softly. "We could go out for a bit," he agreed lightly. It did sound nice...a dinner just the two of them, out somewhere fun. Well, fun may not be the right word, they'd just be eating...but it would definitley be a nice time.
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Mari grinned at him after a moment, a little hum after a moment. "Yeah?" She asked with a chirp. It had been a while since they'd done anything nice just the two of them. She loved spending time with the kids, and she loved their home but she had to admit she got a bit of cabin feaver every now and then. It would be nice to get out and do something just the two of them. Just for a little girl. She smiled and moved to pat his chest. "Let's go out then. Later though," she chuckled happily.
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Sage sort of hummed happily and nodded in response to her comment. "Yeah," he agreed lightly, grunting in agreement to her when she mentioned doing it later. "I'm not moving now that I'm comfortable so that's probably best," he agreed with a chuckle, resting his head lightly on her shoulder. He enjoyed working with the horses....but it was a lot of work, so being able to relax with Mari afterwards was certainly nice.
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Mari looked at him after a little while, a small chuckle escaping her. "Later it is then," she chirped happily. It was nice to just... rest for a while. When he rested his head against her, she smiled and moved to wrap an arm around him softly. She did want to get out at some point, though. It would be nice to do something a little different.
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Sage grinned back at Mari with a small nod of agreement, shifting slightly to nestle in to her a little bit more. He felt a smile drift across his face when he felt her wrap her arms around him too, just glad to close his eyes and relax with his wife. He was excited, of course, for dinner....but this was nice too. They didn't often get time to themselves at home, aside from sleeping. (I'll be at a competition all weekend so idk how much I'll be on btw)
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Mari sort of settled down, just happy to relax... she did like this sort of thing, but after another half an hour of pretty much silance, she let out a soft breath and pecked his cheek softly. "Come on babe, let's go do something," she murmured gently. She did want to get out the house... just do something a little different from normal. Things had gotten so repetitive recently, something... different would be lovely. (yeah no worries)
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