Sage hummed softly and moved to wrap his arms around her lightly as she moved to curl in to him again, chuckling softly. "Oh, you've got this all figured out don't you," he teased lightly, before shaking his head. "Silas is too friendly to be the dragon," he snorted fondly. "He's just want to talk to everyone," he added with a soft laugh. It was good...both of the kids had gotten Maris friendly demeanor, and liked to be social here and there. Silas especially liked to chat with people all day long.
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Mari grinned when he curled into her, and leaned up to press a light kiss to his jaw. She grinned and gave a light nod at his comments, though. "Yes, I do!" She chirped. Nothing like that would happen, but of course if the chance ever came she'd sign him up for it, just for her own amusement. She shrugged to him and gave an affirmative nod. "Yeah, I suppose," she hummed thoughtfully before shaking her head. "But he'd love being a dragon! Imagine him all dressed up," she mused lightly to him. "I bet he'd really fall into the role, you know," she then added.
Sage just grinned over at Mari, amused at the whole plan she had going on there. "He'd just like running around pretending to be one," he added with a laugh and amused shake of his head. He could imagine the boy all dressed up, running around and pretending to roar at people and blow fire around. "I can definitely imagine him doing stuff like that quite happily," he humemd lightly. "I wonder if the school has a club like that of some kind he could get into," he thought out loud after a moment. "Might be good for him anyway."
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Mari hummed in agreement, her eyes light as she thought about the child. It did make sense he'd like something like that. He had bundles of energy... he was a fun kid, and Liz was so loving and just enjoyed spening time with people. They were good kids, the both of them, and she couldn't be any more proud of them. Of this whole little like they had. "I bed you were like that when you were younger too," she mused lightly. He definately wasn't now... but if he had been given the chance she could bet on him being the the most fun kid. He was better than he had been when they'd first met, but she supposed having two happy go lucky kids would be helpful for that. She'd caught him running to be some animal or other quite a few times with them. "Like what?" She asked curiously. "They have quite a few things on," she chirped.
Sage hummed softly, thinking back to his own childhood for a moment or so. "I played with my sister, but I don't remember much about what I used to do," he admitted. He probably spent most of his time hiding from his parents...or his father, at the very least. He wasn't sure. "I did enjoy playing with her though," he added with a shrug. It was entirely possible, he supposed, especially if his mother was any better than his father had been. He didn't really remember the woman. "Oh, I don't know. Something that does plays, or maybe a band," he suggested, shifting slightly as he thought about what the school might have for the boy to get into. "We could see what they have and ask him what he thinks," he added with a shrug.
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Mari hummed in thought, though sort of moved to sit up, a soft huff escaping her. "Well you play just fine with the kids," she mused gently. "Don't think I haven't seen you running around like a maniac, just like your son," she mused. It was entirely possible that he'd gotten that form Mari herself... she was alway pretty buzzy. Only, she had self preservation, while Sage really didn't. Maybe it was just a mix of the two of them. "But, I have also seen you struggling to get up from the floor, old man," she teased lightly, pecking the top of his head. She nodded, a light smile across her cheeks. "I was thinking he might like the whole play thing... I have a list of it all somewhere. We can ask him about it all later," she chirped.
Sage hummed lightly when she mentioned he would run around like a maniac with the kids. "Thats different," he whined, though the laughter in his voice proved he wasn't upset or anything. Though, when she teased him about stuggling to get off the floor, he rolled his eyes slightly and wrinkled his nose at her. "You're not much better," he noted lightly, nudging her side gently. He let the teasing sort of drop when she mentioned asking Silas if he'd want to get involved in something. "It would be good for him. Let him get to know some other kids with similar intrests and such," he added happily. Liz was still a bit too young to get into much school wise....but he could see her joining an art club or something later on.
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Mari rolled her eyes at him, a pout on her face. "I don't get down on floors that I know I can't get up from, so I am better, actually," she teased him lightly to him. It was just playful, really. They were both getting a bit stiff now... only, Sage actually grunted when he had to stand up now. The thought made her giggle, but nodded along when he spoke about Silas. "I think he'd like it... especially if it gets him out of our hair for a few hours," she laughed lightly.
Sage wrinkled his nose slightly in response to her comments, chuckling along slightly. "Hey, I can get up," he whined. "It just...takes a second," he added with a sort of snicker. "My brain's always gone too fast for my body to keep up," he added with a sort of lighthearted grumble. Of course, as Silas was brought up, he nodded along happily. "It would get some of his energy and socilization out at least," he added lightly. They could really only do so much...so it would be good for the boy to get out and do things. Make friends with other kids in the club. That sort of thing.
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Mari nodded, flashing him a happy little girn after a moment. "Your brain goes to fast for anyone to keep up." She cocked her head at him, leaning in a litte bit. "Maybe it's time to slow down, huh old timer?" She mused lightly, the whole thing just playful. She grinned when Sage mentioned Silas again, though. "Yeah, before he comes home and torments us," she lughed lightly to him. He was a happy kid, though, and he already got along with most people... having a group of people who liked the same things as him would be good for him too.