
Rose moved to tug his shirt off of him and kissed him deeper
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Caden pulled from her,taking off his shirt before continuing to kiss her,hand in her hair. (they ain't gonna get weird,right?)

(PM me) Rose continued to kiss him
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(im scared now xD) Caden wrapped his arms around her and pressed their lips closer.

Rose kissed him once more before sighing and getting up. She walked to the kitchen and ordered a lotus while waiting for Caden
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Caden sat there for a moment after she left,trying to process how amzing that felt.He grinned and sighed,getting up as well and going downstairs.He opened the fridge,grabbed a RedBull,and sat by Rose. "Man was that awesome." He mutters,taking a sip of his drink.

Rose smiled at his comment. When her lotus arrived, she went and grabbed it before sitting back down next to Caden and leaned on him slightly. "What you doing today? You're game's tomorrow, so i'm assuming you have practice at 4?" She asked, having a bit of insight to his schedule during the on-season
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"Nah,I had practice yesterday.Today's game day." Caden answers,smirking. "Which means I'll be outside all day long." He says,sliding off the stool and putting on a shirt and shoes.He went outside and stared at the kickstand for a moment.He shook his head before getting a small running start and kicking the ball far. "Not bad." Caden says,picking up another and chunking it through the air.

"Right." She said, remembering. Rose followed him outside and watched him in adoration.
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Caden decided to work on arms,chalking his hands and nailing out pullups.He dropped down and took a swig of redbull,starting over at pushups now.Once he did many sets of push and pullups,he started the treadmill at his usual speed,19 mph.His legs teetered on the sides of the treadmill,occasionally tapping the moving belt before eventually getting both feet on it and sprinting,music blaring through his airpods.