
Sage chuckled in response to her first comment, humming softly. "I suppose, though you were the one who wanted me to flash you," he pointed out, teasing her slightly. Of course, he grunted in response to her next comment, shrugging slightly. "Well I suppose you got lucky I don't mind squealing for you," he chirped lightly. "Oh, you're always gonna be pretty," he noted with a fond chuckle after that, giving her a grin. "Well why shouldn't I call you that," he huffed, giving her a sort of mock pout. "You're my lady," he added with a laugh, pecking her lips lightly.
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Mari looked over at him with a cocked head. "I love it when you flash me," she giggled playfully. At his next comment, she gave him a small nod. "Ever so lucky to have you, sweetheart! And you're lucky that you could find someone that makes you squeal like a teenage girl," she huffed condescendingly. She was lucky. She never really said it enough. She could tease about things... she could tease that she'd leave him, or that she got the short end of the stick, or that he was lucky she put up with him... but she was lucky to have him. She never meant any of it, and she loved him more than anything. She hoped he knew that. She smiled a little softer at his next comments. "And you're always gonna be the ruggedly handsome boy in the ward," she murmured softly. She then leaned in to press a soft kiss to his lips, holding his lips for a moment before pulling away slightly. "I love my handsome ward boy so much," she drawled, giving him a grin. When he continued though, she sort of chucked her leg around his side with a small hum. "Sounds a bit regal, hm?" She whispered softly.
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Sage just grinned over at the girl when she mentioned she liked it when he did that sort of thing, humming as of in thought. "If it gets me that sort of response each time, I'll be doing it more often," he noted with a snicker. He'd probably bring the old toga out once and a while anyway, just to mess around....but if that happened each time he did, he certainly wasn't complaining about it. He couldn't help but laugh at her next comment too, kissing her back with a hum of agreement. "I am very lucky to have you," he agreed fondly, sort of just cocking his head at her other comments, a content smile lingering on his face. "Well, you're the queen of my world, so why not be regal," he noted lightly.
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Mari smiled softly to him, her eyes lighting up just a little. "Doing what? Dressing up?" She asked with a bit of a giggle, flashing him a grin. "If you do that I might go out of my way to make some stuff up for myself," she hummed playfully. Really, she hadn't done anything like that since their honeymoon... but it was definitely something they needed to play with. She smiled at his gentle comment. She was more lucky to have found him than she maybe realised. The chances of ever meeting Sage seemed so low. "You know... if the castle had never been raided, and if Anya hadn't scooped you up, we never would have met. I'm much luckier than I'll ever fully know," she murmured, pecking his forehead again. When he said she was a queen, though, she groaned softly. "God, Sage," she whispered. "That's so cheesy," she complained with a little laugh.
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Sage hummed lightly and nodded in response to her comments. "That's one way of putting it," he noted with amusement. They hadn't really done things like that for years now ...but it would be fun to do it again. The other night had certainly been nice. He hummed at her comment about possibly never meeting him, and he nodded, offering her a smile. "It is odd, how one thing could change something so much, isn't it," he thought out loud, shaking his head slightly. Of course, when she called his comment cheesy, he just grinned at her. "But it worked, didn't it," he chirped lightly.
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Mari smiled lightly, although after a moment, and even moved to peck his lips. It was odd. In a different world, she should have been married ages before she met Sage. In a different world, her first love, who she was convinced she'd marry, wouldn't have been shot. She wasn't glad he died at all... but she was glad she met Sage. There were very few good men down here, and she must have somehow gotten the best of them. They were comfortable, but they weren't rich, and he still treated her just like a princess. "Is so crazy," she murmured thoughtfully. "Hell, it the doctor wasn't around I would have ignored you completely," she mused lightly. She then rolled her eyes slightly. "Worked to do what?" She asked softly.
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Sage hummed softly, nodding in thought. It was crazy how so small of a difference could change so much. It was a lot to even think about, really. He kissed her back when she pressed her lips to his, chuckling when she mentioned the doctor. "If the doctor wasn't there I would have died before Anya and I even had our little escapade," he pointed out. Then he gave her a grin. "Get you to laugh," he noted lightly, pecking her lips again before moving to get up with a groan when he heard Silas calling from outside their room.
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Mari nodded in agreement to him, a soft chuckle escaping her. "I still don't believe that happened," she mused lightly. When he got up though, she flopped onto her back with a groan of complaint. She heard Silas and hummed quietly. "Silas, hun, come in," she mused. With that, the boy came rushing in, jumping on the bed with a chourus of giggles. Mari laughed lightly and pecked the boys forehead. "Mummy, can we go down to the lake today?" He asked brightly, to which Mari nodded lightly. "'Course we can. Go get some towels together and make sure Liz has some too," she chirped lightly. The boy nodded happily and ran off. Mari could hear him shouting to Liz. She couldn't help her grin, and sat up to go get changed into something she didn't mind getting a little dirty. "You gonna come?" She asked Sage happily.
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Sage had chuckled softly in response to her comment, shaking his head a bit. "Sometimes neither do I," he noted, a soft tone of amusement threaded though his voice. When silas came running in, he greeted the boy happily, nodding when Mari asked if he wanted to come with. "Sure," he chirped. "Let me get the horses food and water while you make up a lunch and then we can go, yeah," he suggested, moving to get up once she agreed. He could go visit Anya and check up a bit later.
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Mari smiled happily and nodded in agreement. She pecked his cheek lightly before going to put a bag full of stuff to take down to the lake - she'd told Silas to get towels, but she knew for a fact he would have only gotten one or two. Once she had a big bag ready, she wandered downstairs with a smile. Liz helped her put a picnic together, and the girl really did just seemed pleased to help. When Sage finally wandered back in, though, and shoved the big bag at him with a soft chuckle. "C'mon," she chirped, Silas running off while Lizzy walked hand in hand with her mother and father.
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