
Sage had moved to grab some of the food to nibble at as the kids settled down, occasionally speaking up enough to halfway keep up with their chatter as they talked. They only sat there for a few minutes though, shoving food in their mouths and then running off again. He watched them go with a sort of chuckle, popping some fruit into his mouth as he sat there. "This still sometimes feels like a dream," he noted, voice laced with amusement.
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Mari looked over at Sage for a moment. Yeah, it did feel like a dream. She'd have never thought she'd get out of the castle... not in a million years. She also never thought that after everything, she'd ever get the chance to have a life like this one. Where she had Sage and the kids... wow, they were her everything. She didn't think she'd know what to do with herself if anything ever happened to them. Hell, she'd nearly lost Sage a few times, and that broke her more than she could ever let on. Silas, too... she'd nearly lost him. The boy still had scars on his back from when he'd been taken. They'd hopefully fade, but they'd always be there. She didn't think she ever wanted to tell Silas what had happened to him. He didn't remember why he had those weird lines on his back, or why daddy was blind in one eye. She didn't want him to know. If he asked, she'd always he'd tripped when he was young onto some vines or rope. It always kept him at ease.
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Sage had just watched the kids play for a while, eventually, moving to just scoot over and lay down, resting his head on maris lap lightly with a sort of comtent huff of air. Their little family really was perfect...and he wouldn't change anything about it. Not for the world. He loved them all to death, and both was ever going to change that. It was nice to get out as a family for a while. Just mess around for a little bit. Okay around, and watch the kids mess about for a while. There was something so...refreshing about it all. The energy they had.
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Mari watched him happily, her eyes light as she watched their children run around. They were such happy kids, really. They'd done a good job of keeping them that way. She sighed after an hour or so had passed. She called the kids over before getting them dried and changed. She smiled over at Sage and offered him her hands. "Come on, let's get going," she mused happily to him after a moment or two.
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Sage was content to just lay around, though as afternoon turned to evening, he was ready to head home by the time Mari called the kids back over. He sort of helped gather things back together as Mari dried the kids off, taking her hands to move to his feet before grabbing the now packed basket and Liz's hand to head back.
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Mari wandered back to the house happily, helping to get the kids settled down. It had been... quiet, but a nice day all the same. She was glad the kids had enjoyed themselves, at least. She smiled over at Sage after a moment, though. "You going up to the castle today? I might drop the kids with mum for a bit and come with you. I was wanting to check in on the doctor," she murmured quietly. She was worried about the old man. He'd known the queen since birth, and he'd practically raised the woman. (Ideas for world shattering drama?)
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(hmmm we'll definitely have to brainstorm xD) Sage had moved to start putting things away as Mari got the kids all washed up and settled. He hummed lightly when she came back down, nodding in response to her comment. "I was gonna stop by for a bit," he noted. "Check in on everyone." Anya would appreciate it, as would the doctor. And att would probably like having something to do and be with someone he had a relationship with. He never really did have the best family, he supposed.
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(We dooo - I have no ideas though xD) Mari smiled softly to him after a moment, and hummed in agreement. "That sounds good... we could probably drop the kids with my mother for the night. She's been missing them, and we can lay in in the morning," she chuckled lightly. Plus... they wouldn't be back until later that night, and she didn't want to leave the kids alone while they were checking in on everyone.
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(same here, lol. All the profs are dumping assignments before spring break so brain is full of nonsense ahaha) Sage nodded in response to her comment about dropping the kids off, grunting in agreement as he slid the picnic basket back under the counter. "That'll work," he agreed. He didn't really want to bring the kids with...mostly becasue they'd be out late, and he wasn't sure what condition Anya or the castle would be. or the doctor really. The old man was no doubt handling himself well, but even so he was just a little wary of it all. "They've been wanting to spend the night with her anyway," he added. Anthony would get to see them too, and Xander - both of who worked now and often weren't there when they visited. So it would be nice.
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(Lol, yeah I get that. I've got the same issue aha. We could have another rebellion thing on the castle - this time they'll be in the middle of it all since they live out in the village, so we could have the house ransacked and shit) Mari hummed and nodded lightly. She scampered off upstairs to pack bags for the two of them, and gently told them they'd be going to stay with granny for the night. They seemed pretty excited about it all, which was... good. For the most part. She was worried about the old doctor, but she had a feeling he'd much rather an honest conversation to holding his tongue when the kids were around. Or, maybe at least a normal conversation with his family.
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