
Rose, still bored, walked to Caden's study before knocking on the door. "Can I come in, love?" She asked
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"Yeah." He says,still slumped in his chair,the -whurr- of the machine still going.The page of the book still open.

Rose walked in and smiled at him. She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed his head. "How's your project comng?" She asked, looking around
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"It's done." Caden announces,voice barely above a whisper.He slammed the book shut and threw it in a drawer,watching as the machine he had created whurred as it transfered the fake blood into it,acting as a heart.

"Huh." She said, watching the machine. "You need to sleep. You're exhausted. Also, what is this?" Rose demanded, pointing to his bandage
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"Oh,that,uh,cut my arm while edging wires." He lied,agreeing with her with him being exhausted.Truth was,Caden was exhausted.He had blue shadows under his eyes with his eyes being tinted red,a sign of deprived sleep.

"Go. Upstairs. Now. You're sleeping and i'm not asking." She said, pulling on his hand and trying to get him up
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Caden muttered something but followed,going upstairs and sinking into the bed.His head hit the pillow and he fell alseep,undisturbed with life.

Rose put a blanket over Caden and walked downstairs quietly, going to order him dinner. When the food arrived, she took it upstairs and set it on the bedside table along with a note that read: I love you. -Rose
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Caden woke hours later,sitting up and seeing the dinner.he read the note and smiled,eating the food after.His body still throbbed from the game,so he unscrewed a vile of Morhing and took a few drops,hoping to knock out the pain.The drug pulled him under and he fell asleep.