
Rose took a deep breath, feeling unsafe, even with Caden there. "No." She admitted, getting out and going to stand next to Caden. She refused to leave his side or move behind him, worried it might be seen as a vulnerable position. She didn't dare hold his hand either, for fear of that being an instant give away to her weakness.
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"Watch out." He mutters to her,pointing out a clamp in the ground.Caden walkson confidently,turning into a open alley. "So,why am I out here?" The response? Gunfire.

"Holy fuck." She muttered, moving to duck behind the car and almsot tripping on the clamp. She dances around it and draws her gun from it's holster, double checking the magazine was in it and the safety
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Caden stretched his arms out,barely being hit by the gunfire. "Man,ya'll need to work on aim.Anyway,is sombody going to tell me why I took time out of my day for this?" A man walked forward. Men darted forward to grab Rose.Hoping to drag her beside Caden. "A deal.Either you work for us and will be safe,or you'll die.You choose." Caden looked at Rose. "Which one?"

Rose shrugged the men off, walking up to Caden. She was surprised when he asked her to choose. She composed her face and answered him. "Well these dickheads will probably kill us either way, so I vote for living a bit longer." She stated, glancing at Caden.
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"Good choice." The man answered. "Send 'em home." A elctrical current from a tazer struck him and rippled the voltes throught his body like a piece of seaweed in the ocean,world going dark.

Rose was tazed as well, quickly falling to the ground, unconcious.
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Caden woke slowly.He looked around and realised,he was bound and gagged.HIs eyes darted around the dark room,catching a glimpse of the tank of water he almost died in.Panic filled him.

Rose woke across the room, head pounding and wrists protesting against the rope. She realized she wasn't familiar with her surroundings and her eyes quickly popped open. Surprisingly enough, she wasn't gagged. She saw Caden but refused to look at him, scared, panicked in case it inflicted the same feelings to her
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(crap should the gang do what they did last time??) "So,Caden.Will this go how it went last time or will you coperate?" The man asked,voice booming.Caden did'nt say anything or even move,protesting against the man. "Answer the question." He asked again,this time,Caden slightly nodding his head.