Rose slumped against the pillar, head in her hands. She focused on breathing and not going to kill every person who had ever thought of hurting Caden, loaded or not. She took a deep breath and grabbed a small rock, turning it in her hands and trying to not yell
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(oh wait yeah,they on a pillar now,aight bet) "god my shoulder hurts." He mutters,pulling that shoulder forward and popping it.He cracked his neck and curse under his breath,drowning under thought. 20 shooters and one Jarvis.How the heck do I use it without them knowing?Not like I can just be like, 'Jarvis activate' that'll be sketchy af
"I know you're thinking." Rose muttered, a tear of anger and fear rolling down her cheek. "I hope it's about how to fucking get out of this." She said under her breath, mostly joking and knowing there was no way out
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"Four walls with five shooters each armed with loaded rifels meaning any attempt to escape as of now would roughly mean over 150 bullets rippling throught the air to us as their target meaning we screw up we will die in a instant." He mutters,answering her,eyes shut,still completely frozen,lost in thought again. If chance does appear I can easily untie this and dart for the door.Man right there i could block and steal his gun finding another for Rose.If she decides to come.
Rose glanced around, looking at the other pillars and noting things along the way. Rebar there. Javelin. Brick. Weapon. That pillar's big enough to hide behind, but pretty obvious. She sighed. "I love you, Caden." She muttered
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Caden did'nt say anything back as a bead of sweat fell to the floor.His brow was furroed and he was still in thought,lost in the waves. Tsunami means it launches the orbs around the building and takes a 3d scan of it,showing heat signutures of enemies and passagways.Trias Eyes means it launches a headset to my exact location,hence the cut.Send it to me and I can see just what the orbs could do while not being suspised of having weapons.
She sighed when he didn't respond, hoping he was gonna be okay but still kicking herself for ever agreeing to anything
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A prick of sound alerted Caden as his head popped up and eyes scanned the room.There,the man from earlier.Caden's face dropped as he walked out of the shadows. "T-Trevor?"
What the-? Rose thought, panic coursing through her as she stood up. She immedietly had her fists balled up, on the offense
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Caden sunk down in defeat as he watched his friend,wait,scratch that,best friend,betray him with a smug expression. "Dude I saved you from death and this,this is how you re-pay me?!" He snapped,both anger and betrayel in his voice. "Perhaps your here for yet another reason you did'nt know.This will come in handy in the future,trust me." Trevor responded,unfazed. "Trust you?Hell,don't think I can do that anymore." Caden said back,refusing to be shaken. "You will.You'll trust me." Trevor walked out but stopped in the doorway,turning his head to look back at Caden. "With your life."