
"I just feel so stupid for letting it get into my head and think that. It was just a sudden snap between normal you and that thing." She explained, barely holding tears back. "It said I was easily replacable and that set me off." She added, leaning into his embrace
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You are easibly replacable. "It's not your fault.Your mind was,tricked." he says,pulling her closer.

Rose sighed and stayed there for a moment before wiggling out of his hold and walking upstairs to the balcony. "I just need a minute." She said, walking up the stairs. When she reached the balcony, she looked out at the city, thinking about the last 4 day's events and how it all worked. "Why." She asked herself, watching as a car drove by
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"That's alright." He says,watching her walkoff.He was generaly concerned for her,wanting her to be happy.Caden sighed and walked out the door,heading to the fire-pit.He had grabbed a bottle of rum and was opening it.Only small shots here and there,worsing over time.

After about an hour of her mind going in confused circles, Rose sighed and walked over to the bed. She was unable to sleep, worried of the nightmares that would most certainly come with it. She sat against the headboard, tired and still slightly fearful
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Caden starteda fire and had sat down.Mind groggy from the rum,adding to his dishelved apperance. "Why do I do all these things I should'nt do?" He asks himself,feeling his eyes water.Caden blinked as a tear rolled down his face,taking another swig from the bottle.

Rose walked downstairs and out to Caden, sitting on his lap and hoping he would bring comfort. She laid her head on his shoulder and curled up on his lap. She wiped another tear away from his face. "I love you." She muttered, starting to really believe it for the first time in days
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"Love you to." He choked out,taking another swig.Caden took his hand and rubbed her back slowly,wanting to comfort her.He sighed,laying his head on hers,holding her close,not daring to let go.

Rose turned and kissed his cheek before laying her head back down. "You okay?" She asked quietly, wrapping her arms around him
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"Yeah,im fine." He lied,guzzling down another swig of the rum.Caden tossed the empty bottle into the grass,letting it sit,open and empty. "Man,hard to imagine that in two weeks we'll be out of high school." He says,kissing Rose's neck.