Diablo looked at her why cant you it is your choice mabey talk to your father and find out he flys off to the north west heading to the meddow and slows looking back at the herd making sure they where keeping up to him he could still see the mare and colt in the meadow yet they where not that far away
Light keep a eye on the colt while she heads back to their home was wonders why he wanted her to join then answered back "look my dad is all I got to family and do you think he would let me go"
Diablo he chuckles hears her , mabey he waiting for you to take over the herd then , why dont you just ask he flys away after saying that keeping a eye on the herd as they all fly
Dad looked at them and pinned his ears back then said " what is this" light sighed and said " dad they help us and if I may ask I want to join" dad cuts in saying " no! You will not"