
Sage hummed softly in response to her comment, grinning up at her. "I wouldnt dare," he promised her. "Especially not while I'm in this position," he added, really just adding a joke in. Though he did like what was happening.
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"Good." She said, chuckling. She moved o to kiss him again and she started undressing. She moved to take off her shirt and his too. She fully undressed and undid his pants. " How far do you want to go?" She asked, breathing in his ear. "Because I'm thinking all the way."
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Sage grinned at her as she moved to undress them, giving her a wide grin and a nod. "I think that would be lovely," he purred back at her. "Much better than school too," he added with a laugh.
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She giggled when he mentioned school. She made love to him for the next hour and half before she was too weak to continue. She stopped, gasping and clutching at him. She chuckled. "Why don't me get some food?" She suggested, kissing his sweet spot. She looked into his eyes, then got off of him. She put on her bra and shirt, then her pants. She was dizzy from the love. She took a step forward, then back, off balance. She turned and sat down on the bed, holding her head in her hands. "Great. Now I have a headache." She said
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Sage rather enjoyed the next bit of time, and by the time she'd slid off of him, he just lay there somewhat limply. He nodded when she mentioned food, chuckling breathlessly. "Gimme a minute, and we can," he noted lightly. He rolled over to toss his pants on after a moment or so, then flopping back into the bed, still slightly breathless.
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She kissed his sweet spot and got off the bed, taking his hand and walking out the door. The two walked downstairs and Amira let go of Sage's hand to make breakfast. Amira walked into the kitchen, grabbing 4 eggs and scrambling them. She also made bacon and pancakes, finishing the whole breakfast in an hour's time. She served both her and Sage, putting the extras away in the fridge. "What do you want to do today?" She asked, taking a bite of pancake.
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Sage shuddered slightly when she kissed him again, but moved to wander downstairs with her again, helping to make breakfast best he could. "I dunno," he mused as he ate. "Not go to school," he added with a chuckle.
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"To hell with that place." She joked lightly. "How about we take my car somewhere? We could go camping? I don't know, I don't really care." She finished eating and took in their dishes, washing them. "Babe? Would you want a family? Like, kids and I as your family?" She asked, worried about the future. "Because I think if we had kids, that would be a lot of work. Though, I already have a job lined up when I turn 20. I'm going to be the book-keeper at my dad's old buisness. Though, he doesn't run it anymore..." She sighed and took Sage's hand. "Now I know your weakness." She said, kissing his spot.
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Sage glanced over at her and nodded when she mentioned camping. "Could be fun," he noted. When she mentioned a family he nodded slowly with a smile. "Once we have a home, and finances are settled....then yes," he noted lightly. At her kiss, he was glad he was sitting down, or he might have fallen over. "What does that have to do with a job," he asked with a laugh.
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(Sorry, running 4 differnt RPs rn...) "Income, of course. Unless you are secretly a millionare, we are gonna be broke." She laughed, sitting in his lap. She leaned on him, content.
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