"Somebody's reign is over." He snaps quietly,calming before answering Rose. "Be back soon." Caden called,still slightly fuming.
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"okay?" She muttered, walking back to the couch. She sighed and sat down, leg bouncing
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Caden started a bike,speeding off onto the road.He arrived and banged into the room,steps echoing.
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Caden kicked open another room and walked in,slowing. "Where is he?" He asks,biting his tounge. "That's the thing.We don't know." The other admitted softly. "Well,we had a deal,Mr.Opollie.I've warned you,many times.You keep him and stop him,I keep her alive.Good doing buisness with you.Deals over.Good luck changing my mind." Caden growled,prowling out of the room and to his bike.
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Rose decided to text Caden. Hey, u good? <3
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never been better <3 Caden texts her back.He pulls into a bar,barging in. "Trevor." Caden acknowledges,grabbing him by the arm and bringin him out into the rain.Charli was walking towards the two. "Why'd you leave out of Mr.Opollie's sight?" Trevor stayed silent. "We had a deal.You stay in his sight," He pauses,taking out a gun and nailing Charli. "She stayed alive.You say anything and you'll end up like her." Caden snapped,turning and hopping on his bike.
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Rose looked at the text, knowing he was upset. Her leg bounced in worry as she waited for him. After a while, she grew tired and walked upstairs to the bed, laying down. She checked her phone one more time before falling asleep, falling immdeietly into a nightmare. ~~~ Luke was chasing her as she ran as fast as her legs could move, her brother gaining on her as she ran into dark woods. She hides behind a tree as her brother darts past and imposter-Caden comes around the corner, spotting her. He aims a gun at her s she takes off sprinting again. ~
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He arrived back at the house and cleaned the bl00d off his hands,making them spotless.He grinned at what had accomplished and went to shower.Once Caden finished,he fell asleep. ~~~~~ Caden stood utop a pile of money,watching as Trevor was dragged off.
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Rose woke up as Caden came inside. She jumped up, panicking
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