
He awoke with a jolt on the couch and replayed what happened in his head.

Rose walked downstairs and jumped slightly when she saw Caden, the nightmare still in the front of her mind. "Hey." She said, sighing with relief. She went and sat next to Caden, tracing his sleeve lightly
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"Hey.What's wrong?Nightmare?" He asks,wrapping a arm around her.Caden rested his head on her shoulder,feeling the warmth radiating from her body.Soothing him,comforting him.

(ttyl) "Yeah." She said, not wanting to worry him. She kissed his cheek
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"Do you ever get scared im going to be like that imposter-Caden?" He asks,softly sighing.Caden kissed her neck,scooting in with her, k)

(On/off) "Sometimes." She muttered, looking down. "It's not something that gonna go away anytime soon, though. I just think it was a pretty dirty trick to play."
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"It truly was.My question is how did they find or make somebody that looks exactly like me?Besides some different characteristics but still,how?" He asks,almost murmuring.

"I should've paid better attention to detail." She muttered
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"No,you should'nt have.You were the one getting chased down by some psycho version of me.Not your fault." He asnwered,lifting his head up and pulling Rose closer.

Rose leaned into him and sighed, thinking of that evening over and over, memorizing the things she should've done differently.
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