
Amira nodded and gently got up as to not jostle him too much. She went and grabbed a painkiller and some water before going back and offering them to him.
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Sage shifted slightly to let her up, flopping back onto the pillows. It still hurt to breathe, and his head was achy, so he took the painkillers willingly before handing her the water back with a sigh.
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Amira set the glass down on the bedside table and took him into her arms afterwards
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Sage just sort of melted into her arms, doing his best to breathe normally but probably not doing a super great job. It did help to have her there though.
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"I'm so sorry you're sick, baby."
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Sage sighed and shook his head. "I'll get over it," he breathed out, causing another coughing fit to come up on him. Once it was over, he sunk back down onto her, completely exhausted.
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She pulled him tighter, a concerned look on her face as the anxiousness slipped into her mind
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Sage lay there, not wanting to talk again since he was trying to catch his breath still, but patted her leg in an attempt to relax her a bit.
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Amira wasn't able to relax, her thumb anxiously stroking his cheek as the worry took over her mind
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Sage just relaxed into her touch, wishing this would just all be over soon. Part of him knew it wouldn't, worry knowing at his stomach. But he knew they didn't have much money so he also didn't want to go to a doctor.
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