
Kai shook his head slowly. No he wasnt okay. Hed just run out of tears. Now he was just left with that empty feeling.

Camery frowned as he shook his head. She'd hoped just telling her about it might help. But, clearly it hadn't. He needed someone else to talk to... she wished she could understand, but she just didn't. It was just a sensation. It didn't make people love you, or make you who you are. Malakai would always be Malakai no matter what, and she'd always be his princess. Well, that was if he even wanted that now. It didn't seem like it. She held him tighter, as tight as he could for a moment, hoping to squeeze the sadness out of him. Hoping that if she loved him hard enough, he might just feel better. "What do you want me to say?" She eventually asked, figuring that nothing she thought of then would fix... well, antrhing really.
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Kai nodded, clinging to her like a lifeline. He loved her so much, he just wanted her. He knew she was trying, and it was helping a bit, but there was still that overwhelming sense of loss, emptiness and violated.

Camery just held him tight when he clung to her. She wanted him to be safe and comfortable... but that wasn't going to happen right now. She just went still and relaxed against him with a soft breath of air, leaning in to peck the top of his head as she curled up. He'd be better, eventually. For now, he looked exhausted. If he wanted rest, she wanted nothing more than to curl up and stay with him.
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Kai curled up against her, just slowly relaxing into her with a few sniffles. His mother came around a little bit later when Kai was asleep. "Is now a bad time?" She asked, poking her head in.

Camery sat quietly as he drifted off, her hand running up and down his chest softly. Just desperately trying to keep him calm, make sure he felt safe. She buried her nose back into his hair, and closed her eyes. She only opened them when his mother came in. She shrugged slightly at sat up. "Probably not the best time..." she trailed off, then offered her a small smile and patted the seat at the bedside table. "He just needs to rest. If you're free, I was wanting to talk to you," she whispered, chewing the inside of her lip quietly.
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His mother nodded, coming in and sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "What do you need, darling?" She asked kindly.

Camery smiled nervously at the woman for a moment, and ran a soft hand up and down her Fiancé's back. "I know this might be awkward or... whatever," she started, looking back at the woman with a sheepish smile. "Can you tell me about how your wings work?" She asked. She knew she'd barely spoken to the woman, but she wanted to know more so she could try and help her son. "Malakai lost nerves in his wings while he was in the day kingdom... I don't understand why it's upsetting him so much," she whispered. Of course, he must have felt awful. It would hurt for something like that to ever happen... she just didn't get why it was such a big thing for him ."I'm just happy he's alive. But he's really upset about it," she added quietly, looking down at the man who still had his face buried firmly in her chest. "Is there anything I can say or do that might help him feel more normal?" She whispered.
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Kais mom sighed and nodded. "Well, those nerves are very sensitive. They connect to everything... intimate with him. It's complicated, but not only does it bring pleasure, it makes him feel completely connected to you. Of course, it's a guy thing, so I don't really know, but some described it as the world fading into nothing but a bleak and gray dessert, where nothing matters but her. Their world his entirely consumed by her until it is just him and her. He doesn't care what happens, so long as he has his woman. They value this like gold," she explained. "After, that feeling fades after a bit, leaving them feeling distant and lonely even if you are there. Eventually, that distant, dull feeling will fade too, it just takes a bit. Whats going on with him now, is that he just lost those nerves that makes it possible for him to feel that connection to you. And obviously, hes very upset by that," she finished. "It's gonna be a while of just dullness, but lots of love and kisses, make him feel special. That'll help,"

Camery listened quietly, although her eyes gazed down at the man on her chest. God, she loved him so much. She wanted nothing more but to scoop him up and make him feel better. She held him a bit tighter, and looked back over at the woman a little worriedly. "I didn't know it was that deep," she murmured softly. "I told him it wasn't a big deal," she added, her brows pinching together as she swallowed a small lump in hee throat. She didn't fully understand what it meant. Did he not feel connected to her at all? Was that the issue? She wasn't sure. She definitely felt connected to him. But she said he'd be feeling lonely, distant and dull for a while. All she could do was try and make him feel special. God, all she wanted to do was make him feel special. She nodded slowly, and burried her face into his hair again. "Thank you," she whispered softly. She was grateful... he hadn't told her just how deep it ran. She wished he had.
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