
Malakai Negri - Kai and his mom kept talking for a bit before she left for dinner. Kai stayed in the awkward silence with Camery for a bit. God he loved her. He loved her so much, even with one of those ties to her broken. He loved her even when he felt distant from her. "Hey..." he murmured quietly after a moment.

Camery Valatieri - Camery sat quietly until he broke the silence, and put on a smile for him. "Hey," she hummed, wandering over to his side. She put the plate down next to him... he might not be hungry, and that was fine but it was there if he wanted it. She stared back at him after a moment, her shoulders tense. "I... uhm... I asked your mother about your wings," she murmured, wincing a little. She reached over to put a hand through his hair again. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it was that important, but..." she trailed off, giving him an apologetic look. She felt awkward, but somehow the woman hadn't made it awkward. She'd really just wanted to help. "Oh, by the way I love your mother," she hummed happily
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Malakai Negri - Kai leaned into her touch as she ran a hand through his hair. "Its okay..." he trailed off. He knew she didn't fully understand, but he was also in no condition to teach her about it. He smiled, just a little smile, when she mentioned his mother. "Yeah... she's amazing..."

Camery Valatieri - Cam slid onto the bed after a moment, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, sort of pulling him in to press a light kiss to his jaw. "And, you know I love you, right? No matter what? Nothing, you, Malakai Negri, King of the Night Kingdom and my future baby daddy could ever do to change that," she hummed softly to him, trying a little smile. She nodded in agreement. She was amazing. Her own father had just tried to hang her son, and here she was giving her relationship advise. She was lovely.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled a little more at her words. "I love you too," he murmured, leaning into her.

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled when he leaned into her. His smile just made her light up... she knew he was struggling, but she'd be love bombing him until he was sick of her love. She ran her fingers gently rip and down his back, offering him a smile. "I take it you're feeling a bit better?" She asked curiously as she wrapped him in s hug, her chin resting happily on his forehead.
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "A little..."

Camery smiled softly to him after a moment, then looked thoughtful. "Kai? Your mother was telling me about the connections through your wings... how it makes you feel.." she trailed off whey, giving him a slightly worried look. "Do you still feel that way? Like I'm the only one?" She asked, her brows pinched together as she moved to slip behind him, resting back on the pillow and wrapping her hands firmly on his waist.
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Kai nodded, looking over at him. "You are the only one. Always will be."

Camery gave him a soft smile qft and a moment, and burried her nose into his neck. "Promise? Even without that connection?" She asked carefully.
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