
"Promise," he murmured, leaning into her.

Cam smiled gently to him. She wrapped her arms tighter around his side, letting out a soft breath. "I love you so much," she whispered.
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"I love you too," he whispered back.

Cam smiled softly and leaned in to press her lips to his neck. "Good. That's not allowed to change because you have my name written on you," she teased him playfully.
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Kai chuckled, smiling a little more. "It's not allowed to change for you either, since you have a matching one,"

Camery chuckled softly at him, running her lips along his neck softly. "Not allowed to change for me ever," she whispered softly after a moment or two.
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Kai smiled a little and hummed, contently.

Camery smiled softly after a moment. She sort of craned her neck around to look at him, his little smile making her light up a little. She sort of ran a hand down his thigh, where her name was written under his clothes. His mother had said to try something... she didn't want any to push anything, but she wanted him to at least know she loved all of him, with or without that connection he felt. A connection she desperately hoped he still felt. "Talk to me, Kai," she murmured softly. "About anything. Just tell me about whatever you're thinking."
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Kai smiled a little more. He turned over to her, gently running his hand down her leg. "I'm thinking about how much I love you,"

Cam smiled at him when he turned over, although kept a hand wrapped softly around his neck, the other still resting on his thigh. She leaned up to peck his lips gently in a long, drawn out kiss, and gave a small smile. "What else?" She asked softly, offering him bigger smile.
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