
"I think you know..." he whispered, kissing her neck.

Cam smiled lightly to him after a moment, although her head fell back against the pillows when he pressed his lips to her neck. She was worried about him... but she couldn't be too worried if this is what he wanted, could she? She wanted to make sure he felt deserving of everything. She wanted to make sure he knew she'd give him the world if she coud. Her hands ran softly down his back, gently holding onto the muscles near his shoulderblade. "Tell me," she whispered hoarsely.
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Kais lips grazed down her throat. "What you'll look like once I get these clothes off... the little noises you'll make...."

Camery groaned softly as his lips met her throat, and she reached to find his hand. She moved it to her abdomen and closed her eyes slightly. "I can't give you much in the ward," she murmured, her brows pinching together softly. She guided his hand to the inside of her though after a moment, and sort of wrapped her legs gently around him. "Your nurses might walk in," she whispered.
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Kai shook his head. "They won't come in again after dinner..." he whispered, kissing her neck gently. He smiled as she moved his hand, working to pleasure her.

Camery tilted her nack back, although once he'd figured out what she wanted her hand ran up his back again. "Promise," she murmured, gently squeezing his neck with a soft chuckle.
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Camery looked up at him with a bit of a grin, and moved to sit up just a little. No one was coming in... that was good. She moved to slip her shirt over her head, then tugged on his gently. It didn't have to go far, but he needed to know he deserved it. He needed to know she loved him regardless of his wings, and he needed to know he didn't need them to love her, to feel that connection again. She hoped he didn't, anyway.
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Kai smiled, taking his shirt off too.

Cam watched as he slipped his shirt off, although her eyes quickly fell as she skimmed his chest. His skin had been whipped into stirps. Her people had done that. People she loved and trusted more than anything. Her smile dropped a little, and her hands ran over his chest before looking back up at him. "Kai you know we don't have to do anything, right?" She murmured softly.
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