
Malakai Negri - Kai grinned. "Y'know, I like it when you say my full name," he snickered, crawling back on top of her once she was undressed.

Camery Valatieri - Cam rolled her eyes with a playful hum at his comment, and leaned up to press her lips firmly to his. "I love you. I love your name. You're all mine. Malakai Negri. Mine, mine, mine," she whispered with a soft chuckle, leaning up to lock lips with him again with a soft hum. She reached down to unbuckle his pants, and admittedly very carefully peeled them off his legs, making sure not to hurt his legs.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "Yours, yours, yours," he replied with a smirk, kissing her back when she leaned back up.

Camery Valatieri - Camery grinned up at him response, although when he kissed he back she wrapped her hands around his head and gently pulled him down until she was rested her head back on the pillow. She lifted her legs up as she had before, hooking them over his wings in an odd sort of manoeuvre, a small hum escaping her as she tilted her hips up into his.
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Malakai Negri - Kai grinned. "You're getting so flexible," he chuckled. "Thing you can get them up any higher?" he teased lightly.

Camery Valatieri - Camery pulled away slightly at his comment, and sort of rolled her eyes. "I have to be flexible with you." She teased him, leaning up to peck his lips again. "Oh? This not hot enough for you?" She hummed in thought, a laugh escaping her. She paused for a moment before pulling one leg up then the other, lightly hooking them over his shoulders. She wrinkled her nose when she found that she was suddenly stuck to the bed, though, and couldn't lean up to kiss him. "You're gonna have to hold them," she whsiepred with a sheepish giggle.
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Malakai Negri - Kai grinned ear to ear. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect,"

Camery Valatieri - Camery couldn't help her giggle at his reaction, and reached up to grab the back of his neck, pulling him in to peck his lips. "You're fucking perfect," she retorted. It was a little uncomfortable, but god seeing his reaction made it worth it. "Ugh, I love you so much," she almost complained, although her brows were very much pinched together. She made sure to keep him a little distance away, though, figuring that if he got too lose her knees would be by her head and she'd almost definitely snap in half.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "I love you more," he whispered, kissing her back. "Ready, darling?"

Camery Valatieri - Cam grinned up at him, those words just making her light up. His touch, his voice, his scent... it was so intoxicating. Although, there was a sort of look in his eyes that almost wanted to make her shake her head no. She was never ready for what he was planning, but god she always loved it. She let out a soft breath as he pulled away from his lips, and nodded eagerly. "Yessir," she chirped, although her voice was nothing but a whisper by then.
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