
Rose texted Caden. You good? She looked at the unread texts as well. Katie: u good to come over? Luke: I will find you, bitch. Katie: Hello?
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yeah Caden texted.He wanted to call her but did'nt,not wanting to bother.Caden put on a navy suit and went to attempt to brush out his hair.Good god did he need a hair cut.That is honestly bad how overdue he is for one.Anyways,Caden combed out his hair and put on a tie,finishing it off with dress shoes.He caught a taxi and rode over to the work building,signing in and finding his first meeting of any.

Rose texted Caden again before responding to Katie. Love you <3 Katie: Hello? Rose: y should i come over? K: Hang out R: No K: when was the last time u had fun? R: A couple hours ago K: What did u do? R: Was with Caden. y? K: Pls? R: N K: Fine. I'll ask L. R: No, don't do that. K: 2 late Luke: Why are your friends texting me??!! Rose: Fuck off
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love you to Caden sat through and presented at the meeting,telling why his buisness should load and what it does.After the meeting he was invited to the bar with others but,he declined.He dragged himself into his room,tired,and continued working on his project,jacket off and tie undone.In desperate need of a redbull or something.

Rose checked her phone anxiously, debating telling Caden about Luke but deciding against it. He'll just worry. Or maybe he won't care. Either way, I need to stay put so Luke can't come find me. I'm not leaving until he's back unless I absolutely need to.
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Someone knocked on his door.Caden sighed as he took his tie off,walking to the door. "Yes?" He asks. "Caden,good to see you.Now if you will,mind me?" Caden raised a brow and looked at the woman. "Uh,no." He says,shutting the door. "Great,both at the party and now the buisness trip.Great.Just great." He curses under his breath,walking back to his laptop.

Rose texts Caden. You good? She wanted so badly to tell him about Luke, but refused to let him worry. She heard Murphy hop onto the couch and she jumped slightly, startled
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yes.im fine He tossed the phone down before he showered,walking out and sitting on the bed.Opening TikTok and messaging Dean

(Sorry, was showering) K <3 She set down her phone and went to change for the day. She fought with herself mentally whether or not to go to the gym and eventually she sided with she should. She got her gym shoes on and pat Murphy's head before grabbing her keys and walking to her car. She hopped in and sped to the gym, wary of the people around her without rage powering her. She did her usual workout and drove home, showered, and laid on the bed
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all good) Caden sighed as he got in bed,falling asleep.He had the same nightmare as before,same thing.