
Malakai Negri - Kai just nodded. He wanted to believe her, he really did, but he couldn't.

Camery Valatieri - She sighed again, the sound almost a complaint. Her head rested on his back for a moment, trying to think about what she could say to make him feel even a little better. "And I've loved you without your wings before. Even if you lost them, people will still love you, Kai," she whispered. She stood up to slip some shorts on, then wandered back over to him, sort of straddling his lap before gently pushing him back against the bed. "And the nurses said they'll heal up properly. You'll be able to fly and everything," she chirped softly.
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Malakai Negri - Kai just nodded.

Camery Valatieri - Cam groaned at the lack of reponse, and rolled off him again, sort of laying on the bed. She was trying to help... but it was frustrating when he didn't even let her. The only time since he'd been hurt that he showed her any love was from the night before. She wasn't even sure how legitimate that was, not now. "I'm trying to help you. I can't do that if you don't talk to me," she complained quiely. "Your mother said you needed some love. Lots of kisses, she said. I've done nothing but dote on you and somethings still not right. I need you to tell me what's wrong. I can't keep guessing," she murmured softly. "If I say something that upsets you, tell me. If something hurts, tell me. If you're not happy or uncomfortable I need you to let me know, Kai. That's the only way anyone can help," she added softly.
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded and looked down at his hands. "I dont know whats wrong... I just... don't feel like me anymore..."

Camery Valatieri - Cam furrowed her brows at him after second and gave a slot nod. "Okay... tell me why. What's different? How do you feel?" She murmured softly. She wanted to figure it all out. She hated seeing him like this. "If the only time you're happy is when we're having sex then something is very wrong," she then added, trying to lighten the mood just a little.
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Malakai Negri - Kai shrugged. "I don't know... I just don't feel happy anymore... like I'm trying to be, but I just don't feel it..."

Camery Valatieri - Cam frowned slightly and let out a soft breath. "Well what normally makes you happy?" She murmured softly. "It might be a while until you feel like yourself again... but you'll manage. I'll be happy enough for the both of us," she mused soflty, running her fingers through his hair. "A big part of you was taken away. You're gonna feel dull for a while," she murmured softly.
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Malakai Negri - Kai shrugged again. "You," he replied. He didn't have happiness before he met her, so he really didn't know anything else. He nodded. "Okay..." he replied, listening to her.

Camery Valatieri - Cam nodded quietly. She knew he never had much to be happy about... but she really did hope she wasn't the only thing that made him happy. But for now, it would do. "Alright then... let's go do some stuff together. You can't go too far at the moment... so why don't we go down to the gardens and have a picnic? We can curl up in the sun for a while and I can dote on you until you're sick of me," she offered with s gentle smile.
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