Dakota smiled and took his hand. She went to the passenger seat and closed the door. Then they drove home. "So what happened with your dad?" Dakota asked.
"Oh. Well at least we won't be seeing him around." Dakota smiled and got out of the car. She ran to the barn. Dakota opened the door and went to Athena's stall. Athena saw Dakota and nuzzled her. She pranced around the stall and whinnied. Dakota let the horses out to graze and went inside. She made lunch and sat down. After she finished eating, she took Jacob up to the barn attic. She showed him all the stuff that she found.
"Yeah, It's mostly my mom's old stuff. I've been looking through it and found her old rodeo clothes." She went down the stairs and showed Jacob. Athena, Flame, Pepper, and Corrin waited anxiously for their food. Dakota fed them and went in to groom Pepper.
Dakota smiled. "I love you too." She stepped out and grabbed his hand. They both walked inside together. Dakota sat down on the couch. "I sent the invatations for the wedding. It's only five days away!" She needed to go to the wedding store and get her dress and shoes still. "I'm going shopping. I'll be back soon." She went to the car and drove to the store.
Dakota walked through the store. She wanted a country wedding. She was going to wear her mom's cowgirl boots. Dakota walked around and found a gorgeous white dress. It had lace sleeves and dragged across the ground. Dakota got that too. She had to hide it. The box it came in was small enough to fit in the back of her car. She decided to hide it there. Dakota got in her car and drove back home.