
Sage got dressed again quickly, thanks to Celeste's help, and moved to the bed where he passed out again pretty much right away. Baths were relaxing, but getting in and out was certainly a chore.
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Celeste smiled and kissed his head, laying down next to him with Atticus and falling asleep too.

Sage smiled when she lay down, just nestling in and passing out pretty much the second he stopped moving.
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Celeste smiled and drifted off.

Sage slept well, only waking when the babies started whining. He scooped att up, noticing that Celeste was asleep, and the boy quieted down soon enough, letting sage sort of half drift off again.
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Celeste remianed asleep for a bit more before waking up and snuggling closer to Sage and Atticus.

Sage curled in tighter when she curled in, more than happy to lay around as long as possible
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Celeste woke fully when Atticus started crying. She sighed and gently took the baby, moving to nurse him.

Sage sleepily let Atticus go when Celeste grabbed him, knowing he was probably hungry. He shifted so Celeste could feed him, but stayed curled up with her best he could, honestly still half asleep.
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Celeste curled into him as best she could without disturbing Atticus feeding.