
Malakai Negri - Kai smiled a little bit up at her. "I'd like that,"

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled softly at him, and leaned over to peck his lips. "Yeah? Well then, when the nurses come up to re bandage you, I'll go get some food and set up a spot. I'll come get you after, huh?"
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "Okay,"

Cam smiled softly after a moment, and leaned in to peck his lips. "And you can at least pretend to love me when we get down there," she chuckled. She pecked his forehead again before turning to go find some food and a pretty spot near a lake in the gardens to go and sit by. She smiled once it was all set up and padded back to the ward happily.
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Kai nodded sheepishly. He felt bad he didnt show any love to her in a while. He did love her. He loved her more than anything. After she left the nurses came in and bandaged him up.

Cam wandered up with a small smile, offering him a coat. "All sorted," she chirped softly to him happily. She offered him a hand when the nurses were done. "Come on, princess. I have a picnic date all set up for us," she teased him lightly.
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Kai nodded, offering her a soft smile and took her hand, pulling himself up and out of bed.

Cam started walking down happily, an arm wrapped around his back. "Do your legs feel okay?" She asked curiously. She hoped he was at least healing, if nothing else. She showed him the spot she found, just behind his castle, near a little lake that was hidden. "I thought this would be quiet enough. I didn't want to pull you too far away unless you hurt yourself," she mused softly as she settled down.
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Kai nodded. "Yeah, just a little numb" he replied, walking with her. "This is a great spot," he smiled lightly, settled down next to her.

Cam started to grab some snacks out she'd brought along, and gave him a grin. "Well, you'll be better in no time. Back do doing all super king stuff you do," she hummed happily to him. She settled back on her elbows after a moment, nodding in agreement. "But before you get back to all that king stuff... why don't we get away, just for a little while? You've not had a moment to breathe since we met," she mused lightly to him.
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