
Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "I love you too..." he breathed, calming himself down. "Its okay... I'm sorry I should've known you were joking..."

Camery Valatieri - Cam sighed softly after a moment, squeezing him with everything she had for a moment before moving to press her lips lightly to his. "No... it was a stupid thing to say. I knew it would upset you and I said it anyway," she murmured softly. She took his hand and wandered back towards the picnic blanket, in the little spot she'd set up for the two of them. "I love you more than anything..." she trailed off, watching him sit down, before curling up into his side. "I only said it because you'd normally get all grumpy and possessive and it's kinda hot," she mused softly, leaning over to peck his lips gently. "I won't do it again," she then promised in s more serious tone,
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Malakai Negri - Kai just nodded, laying down and resting his head on her lap.

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled as he settle down, and ran her hand softly over the top of his head. He was so beautiful... she hated when she hurt him. She had upset him enough to make him cry more than once now. Seeing those deep blue eyes surrounded by red and water just made her want to break down. She sighed and moved to press her lips lightly to his nose, and grabbed a strawberry for him. "Here, eat something. I brought loads for us," she mused gently to him.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled softly, taking the strawberry and eating it in one bite. "Mm... I love strawberries..."

Camery Valatieri - She smiled happily in response after a moment, and moved to peck his lips once he'd eaten the fruit. She lingered for a moment, then playfully licked his bottom lip. "Yeah, me too," she chuckled. "I have a bunch of little snacks and stuff..." she hummed softly. "Oh. I want a shit tonne of strawberries on our wedding cake!" She chirped.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "What if we did a chocolate vanilla marble cake? to represent the blending of Day and Night? And it'll be covered in strawberries, of course,"

Camery Valatieri - "Yeah! That sounds lovely," she chirped softly to him after a moment or two. It did sound nice... this wedding, if it went through... it was going to be a massive thing. Night and day kingdom? It just didn't seem possible. She'd always promised herself she'd never love anyone from over here... but she loved him so much. She couldn't imagine life without him. "Strawberries everywhere," she mused lightly after a moment or two. "What else would you like?"
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Malakai Negri - "I just want strawberries and you, in a white dress." he smiled. "What do you want for our wedding?"

Camery Valatieri - Cam chuckled softly, and gave a little bit of a nod. "That's it?" She asked with a little chuckle. She hummed in thought when he asked what she wanted. "With any luck, I'll convince my father to walk me down the isle," she murmured quietly, her shoulders dropping. She'd always wanted him to be there when she got married, but it didn't seem like a good idea anymore. "And I want lilacs, too. Lots of them. Vines... I don't want it to be in a church or a hall. I want it outside, somewhere special..." she trailed off with a small smile. "And of course, I want you in the other end, in a handsome suit," she hummed softly.
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