
Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "I love those ideas," he replied. Although, he didn't know about her father. They'd see how it all played out before they invited them. "Ivy and Lilacs it is," he replied. "Well, we could have it in the gardens here," he replied, thinking. "Oh! What if we had it up by the waterfall in the mountains? It warms up nicely there during the summer,"

Camery Valatieri - Cam grinned when he noted that he liked those ideas she knew her father might not come... but someone had to walk her down the isle. She didn't want to do it alone. Maybe Jack would do it... he'd watched over her for a few years, and he was alike a brother to her so it was the next best thing to a father, she supposed. She'd speak to him about it. It really did seem perfect to her... she loved lilacs, and ivy was always so pretty. When he mentioned the waterfall, she chuckled lightly. "Really? How are we getting everyone up there?" She asked with a chuckle. She leaned down to peck his lips lightly, a small hun escaping her. "I like the guardens better... everyone can get in and out, and we can used the great hall for cover if it rains or anything. That way-" she paused, giving him a smile, running her fingers through his hair. "We can keep the falls to ourselves... "
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled and nodded. "The gardens it is," There was an old ski lift that they could rebuild and use that to transport everyone up to the falls, but if she wanted the gardens, she got the gardens.

Camery Valatieri - Cam grinned at him, and sort of shifted to lay down next to him. He was so... good. He just wanted to do anything that would make her happy, it seemed like. She wanted nothing more than to make him happy, too. She didn't want to make him cry snot more. She sighed softly after a moment, and leaned in to peck his lips. "We could do it just behind the castle... there'll be lots of people - I want a big wedding, babe. Everyone and anyone could come," they had to remember how important this was. It was a big deal. Night kingdom and Day kingdom, finally starting to build a truce, and form bonds as strong as marriage could be. It started to get a little chillier out, and she offered him her hand with a smile. "Come on. Your nurses will be worried about you... and we do need to let your mother know," she mused happily to him.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled and nodded, looking over at her. "Then we'll have a big wedding," he agreed. Kai nodded and took her hand, standing up.

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled in response to him, and looped an arm through his. She helped him back to the ward, and set him down on the bed quietly. She had to admit, she couldn't wait to get him out of here... he'd been spending more time with the doctors than in his own room. Each time he'd been here, she couldn't help but feel like it was her own fualt. It sort of was. She settled him down on the bed and moved to pull his shoes off with a smile, leaning over to peck his lips lightly. "I can't wait..." she trailed off, pecking his nose lightly. "To marry you," she giggled, poking his ribs playfully. (Do you have any ideas for more drama we can add in the future? I'm itching for something to happen lol)
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled, laying back down on the bed. "Me too," he murmured. ( Yeah, I was thinking her father stays bad, but her mother escapes him and comes to the Night Kingdom before their wedding, and lives with them. And then once Camery has their first baby, her father kidnaps the child and claims it as the Day Kingdom heir rather than the Night Kingdom heir, so Kai has to somehow get their child back, )

(Oooh, yeah I really like that!! We could do a bit of a time skip if that helps move things along - once Cam gets the ring back off her mother. I can have that happen now tbh) Camery Valatieri - Camery smiled to him, and leaned in to peck his lips lightly. "I'm gonna go get changed. I'll be back in a bit, although I would like to stay in my own bed for once," she chuckled lightly.
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "Okay," he smiled at her. ( Oki! )

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled and wandered off to her room, getting changed into something a little more comfortable. She heard a knock at the door, and a maid handed her a little envelope. Cam smiled and thanked her, and plopped down on her bed to read it It was from her mother. Dearest Camery, Thank you for introducing me to you fiance; although I was shocked, I didn't expect your father to go through with what he did. I tried to stop him, really, but there was no talking sense into him. I'm glad you both got away, and hope all is well. I found this on our bedside table. I believe it belongs to you. Speak soon, Mom<3 Cam raised a brow, a small smile crossing her face. She looked in the envelope, and a little box was in it. When she opened it, and saw that gorgeous black opal surrounded by diamonds, she clutched it tight in her hands, practically leaping from where she was sat. She sprinted back to the ward, and leaped on Kais bed, tears pricking her eyes. "Malakai," she breathed, pulling him in and pressing a deep kiss to his lips. "Kai, look," she whimpered as she held the ring up infront of him.
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