
Malakai Negri - Kai woke a little while later. He felt her running her fingers along his wings and he smiled and rolled over. "Good morning, darling..." he murmured sleepily. "Jeez, did someone put an angel on my bed?" he joked.

Camery Valatieri - Camery sat for a while, her eyes following the scars that ran down his wings. They were healed now, but she could see where it happened. If she shook too hard, they still looked like they could be ripped to shreds, and that thought made her head burn. When he shifted, though, she pulled her hand back and ran it along his side. "Good morning, Baby," she whispered softly, a little chuckle escaping her. At his joke, she hummed and shook her head. "Hmm, such a smooth talker," she teased him softly, leaning in to peck his nose.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled and chuckled, pulling her back in close. "How'd you sleep?"

Camery Valatieri - Cam squeaked slightly as he pulled her in, but let herself be wrapped up in his arms happily. "Awfully," she mused. "I woke up about half and hour ago. Can't stop thinking," she muttered. There was so much going on in her head... wedding, honeymoon and at the forefront of everything, her poor mother. She hoped she was okay. "You didn't sleep until late either," She then looked over at Kai for a moment, sort of rolling ontop of him playfully. "I slep much better thanks to this brute, though," she mused, running her hands up his chest lightly.
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Malakai Negri - Kai gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry baby," he replied softly. He smiled as she rolled onto him. He lifted her up into the air and threw her up as if she was light as a feather before catching her as she fell, making sure she didn't get hurt. Kai smiled and chuckled, "You're welcome, for helping you sleep well,"

Camery Valatieri - Cam rolled her eyes slightly at him, then shook her head. "It's not your fault," she mused lightly to him. He was amazing... he did nothing but settle her worries last night. "Sorry for keeping you up so la-" she was cut off with a squeak as he chucked her up, and closed her eyes as he caught her and put her back down on his chest. She sometimes forgot just how much bigger he was than her, and little things like this reminded her. He just threw her in the air. She chuchlef at that thought, and leaned in to press her lips lightly to him. "You always help me sleep," she mumbled with a laugh, a bit of a blush crossing her cheeks as he held her.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled and chuckled. "Its okay, I can't sleep without you anyways," he kissed her head. "Oh. When we get married, I can give you wings. Do you want them?" he asked.

Camery Valatieri - Cam grinned at him and ran her hand back up his chest, and leaned in to peck his jaw lightly. "Aww, baby," she mused when he said he couldn't sleep without her. It was crazy how you could get so used to something... someone. She'd miss waking up to his cheesy remarks every morning. She raised a brow at him when he said she could get wings. She didn't know that was a thing. "You can do that?" She asked curiously. She sort of hummed and sat up straight on his lap. "Maybe. Flex your wings for me?" She asked playfully.
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "My mother wasn't born with wings. She was a summer kingdom princess who was married off to my father, who then changed her entire appearance," he explained. He smiled and expanded his wings out fully, flexing his muscles for her too.

Camery Valatieri - Cam nodded slowly. She didn't want her whole appearance changed. She was and always would be from the Day kingdom. Those golden lines and blonde her defined her. "I still wanna look like me... as much as I love you, and your kingdom - I'm their only heir, Kai," she murmured quietly. She'd be the last one if anything happened to them. "But wings sound pretty cool..." she trailed off and flashed him a smile. When he extended his wings, she gave a hum of approval, although when he flexed his muscles she raised a brow at him. "I mean, you're gorgeous without the wings, but god, Kai, something about them is just so..." she trailed off, not knowing where she was going with it as he nails brushed against his abs. "How would it work if I had wings then? The same way your did?"
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