
(Welcome eback! lol) "Sure. I'm honestly not very hungry." She said, kissing his sweet spot. "When should we plan on moving if we like this place?" She asked, hoping he had a slight timeline.
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(xD) Sage let out a sort of yelp when she kissed him, not expecting it, but then moved to peck her lips lightly with a hum. "Well, we can look at payment plans and stuff before deciding anything, but I'm 18 so we can technically legally buy it under my name," he mused after a moment. "If we like it, we should figure out a way to make money for the mortgage and stuff....I could sell art but I'm not sure how much that would make," he admitted. "Once we have an income we could buy it and move in "
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"Okay." She said, laying her head in his lap. "I can't believe you would want a future with me. I'm not really all that important, y'know. You just have to be careful, or else I might get you." She teased, kissing his hand. "I love you." She said quietly.
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Sage chuckled softly and sort of ran his fingers through her hair happily when she lay down. "I can't believe you looked at me and thought I'd be someone you wanted to know," he humemd. "I love you too," he chirped. (I'm in calc now so I'll be off for a bit.)
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(I'm back lol) Amira looked at her phone. 1pm already. "Hey, we should head home." She sat up and packed up the food. Once everything was picked up, Amira tossed it into her car and got into the driver's seat. She drove recklessly again back to her house. She shoved the food away and turned, kissing all down Sage's neck. "Do you want to have fun?" She whispered in his ear, kissing his jaw.
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Sage agreed when she said they should head back, and packed everything up before bringing it inside and setting it on the counter, grinning at her when she kissed him. "And what kind of fun are we talking about," he hummed, really just messing with her a bit. (I'm doing homework so I'll be on and off)
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(Alright. Same here lol) She kissed his neck again, hinting at him what she meant. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him slowly and with passion. She sat him down on the couch and climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him hungrily.
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(alr. I hate writing lab reports xD) Sage let her push him onto the couch, sinking into her embrace and kissing her back happily. They did this a lot....he certainly didn't mind it either. He hoped this sort of passion didn't die out once they got older.
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She suddenly stopped. "Sorry. I shouldn't have assumed this is what you wanted to do." She said, climbing off of him. She walked over and put the blanket into the washer, pouring soap into the tray.
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