
Sage hadn't thought his grin could get any wider, but apparently he was wrong, because it grew when he noticed her struggling to put words together. Collect her thoughts. It really was amusing ...and adorable. He liked this side of her...playful. happy. Ok to just mess around, tease each other. But he had to admit he found it all endearing now that he knew she could blush too. He felt his eyebrows arch when she said that didn't count as payment, and he hummed softly, gaze turning into a more daring glitter, almost. Still playful, just a little more devilish, he supposed. "And what exactly would you take as payment then," he crooned. He knew how to flirt quite well.....he'd picked up a thing or two sleeping around. He wasn't incredibly proud of his past, but he figured it was fine now. He could flirt with her, that was ok. This was different. They both had a choice in what they did here. Normally, he got too flustered way before this, so flirting was out of the question. But now....well, somehow he was managing to win this one. At least for now. He supposed he was being a bit daring with it all, but the excitement of getting the house together, plus the adorable way she was grasping for thoughts, and their conversation from the night before....well, it all sort of bubbled down to him figuring there was certainly no harm in flirting. Or doing anything in response to it, for that matter.
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Jora’s eyes flicked up to Sage, and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks again, but she refused to let him see how much he affected her. She was used to keeping a tight grip on her reactions. But there was something in his voice—something both teasing and confident—that made her pulse quicken. He was pushing all the right buttons, making her stumble over her own thoughts in a way she wasn’t sure she liked. "Payment?" she repeated, her tone more playful than she expected, despite the fluster bubbling inside her. "I’m not sure you'd be able to afford it," she added with a smirk, though it was a bit weak as she tried to shake off the warm sensation in her stomach. She wasn’t used to this. Teasing like this was something she had always been on the other end of, not... participating in. But then, she caught the glint in his eyes, the one that told her he was enjoying this, and something in her softened. It was ridiculous how much she wanted to prove that she wasn’t easily thrown off. But the way he was looking at her—like he knew exactly what he was doing—was both thrilling and disorienting. She paused, realizing she might have just opened the door to something she didn’t quite know how to handle. "You’re getting too confident," she teased, despite the truth of it. If he was going to flirt, she might as well meet him halfway.

Sage felt his eyebrows creep up when she said he wouldn't be able to afford it. "Really," he hummed as if in thought. He could see the tint in her cheeks deepning though, the way she was scrambling for words. It was clear this was all new to the girl, and he couldn't help but feel glad that she was willing to mess around with him like this. At least a little bit. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable or anything, but he was definitely testing the waters. Seeing what she was really up for. "I'm pretty sure I could think of something," he added smoothly, despite the color still on his own cheeks. At her next words he chuckled, amused at her attempts to grasp her thoughts. "Too confident," he repeated with a small chuckle. "I'm not sure that the right word for it," he mused lightly. That part was true... His stomach was twisting in a way he could really explain. How much he wanted her to take his open gestures and make something out of it. He really want sure what he was doing... He'd never initiated anything before. Just give along with others. She'd have to tell him what she wanted.... But he was ok with her bossing him around a bit. "Though if this is the reaction I get I suppose I'd better figure out this confidence thing, " he added with a laugh.
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Jora watched him, her gaze flicking over the way his smirk didn't quite hide the slight pink in his cheeks. The way he seemed to be enjoying the back-and-forth, the way his eyes never fully left hers—it made something inside her tighten, and not in an entirely bad way. She wasn’t sure if it was his confidence, or the way he seemed to be testing the waters with her, but she couldn't help but feel drawn in. She wasn't used to being the one caught off guard, but there was something about the way he pushed her that made her want to challenge him, too. "Yeah, I bet you could," she said, a teasing glint in her eyes. She could feel the heat creeping up her neck, but she wasn't about to let it show too much. Let him think he had the upper hand for now. He was trying to play it cool, but she could see it in the way his words came out, like he was trying to cover up something that felt a little more real. "But you're still not getting off that easy." His chuckle hit her ears like a spark, and it made her smile despite herself. He was definitely a little too smooth for her comfort. "Confidence, huh?" she repeated, almost testing the word out on her tongue. She knew exactly what it sounded like, but something about the way he was trying to handle this felt a little more fragile than he'd like to admit. "Maybe you’re more honest than confident," she murmured, her voice just enough to draw his attention. She wasn't sure where this would lead, or if she even wanted it to go anywhere, but there was a quiet thrill in the way he was nudging her boundaries without pushing too hard. She liked it. "Don't worry," she added with a smirk, leaning in slightly. "You’re doing just fine."

Sage felt his grin widen as she tried to cover up her scrambling to put words together, knowing he'd at least gotten in there. He let out a hum when she mentioned not letting him off that easy, sort of taking a step closer so they were pressed closer together. Not entirely touching, but close enough he had to tilt his head up to look up at her, smirk still evident on his face. "Oh really," he hummed softly. "And what exactly are you gonna make me to for that," he sort of drawled, knowing she really wouldn't have an answer to that one. Though at her next comments, his eyebrows rose slightly and he grinned up at her, staying in place as she moved forward. Their faces were only inches apart now, just separated from the height difference they had between them. He could feel her breath on his face and neck, the heat from her body, and it quite honestly took all of his self control not to just....leap at her by then. He hummed lightly when she said he was doing fine, chuckling huskily. "Honest," he purred, letting his gaze drop to her lips and then back up to her eyes. "I suppose I could be honest," he hummed, trying to tell her he was fine with something happening without actually asking her. Because that could be sort of awkward.
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Jora’s grin deepened as she watched Sage try to cover up the way he was flustered. She could tell he was trying to play it cool, but she knew she'd gotten under his skin. The way he stepped closer, his presence pressing against hers without actually touching—Jora could feel the shift in the air. She tilted her chin up slightly to look at him, not intimidated, but enjoying how close they were. She could feel the heat radiating from him, the tension building between them. "Oh really?" she echoed, her voice soft but dripping with a teasing undertone. She could feel his eyes on her, the way they moved over her face before dropping lower to her lips. It was almost too easy to mess with him. "And what exactly are you gonna make me do for that?" she asked, playing along, but knowing that he wouldn't expect an answer. She wasn’t going to give him one—not yet, anyway. The way Sage's face leaned in just a little, the small gap between them shrinking until their faces were barely inches apart, made it hard to concentrate. She could feel the heat of his breath against her skin, and despite herself, her pulse quickened. The playful edge was still there, but it was harder to hold on to when he was this close. She smirked again, feeling the game shift. When he purred his response, letting his gaze flicker to her lips and then back up to her eyes, her breath caught for just a moment. She could sense his hesitation, the subtle way he was trying to tiptoe around the line they were walking. "Honest?" she hummed, her tone steady, but there was an edge to it now, something daring. "Maybe you're not the only one who could be honest," she said, leaning in just enough to let him feel the brush of her words against him, testing how much further they'd both let it go.

Sage chuckled softly when he felt her breath hitch, feeling rather accomplished by then. He hadn't seen her come undone like this before....and he rather liked it. He really did think she was adorable when she blushed. And he did find her incredibly attractive...in more ways than one, of course. At her next comment, he felt his own blush deepen, and he sort of blinked at her, mind racing as he thought of something to say. His mind had gone blank though...really all he could think about was how close they were. How her body was so close to pressing against his. How she stood over him, smirk lingering on her lips. "Then why don't you show me," he hummed after a moment or so, practically daring her to do whatever it was she wanted to do. Kiss him. Touch him. Him him hers. Maybe it was stupid, but he wanted her. He did love her, more than words could ever express. Hopefully, this would get the point across, even a little bit. He enjoyed messinga round, but he was, admittedly, getting a little bit impatient.
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Jora's lips claimed Sage's in a searing kiss, her tongue tangling with his as the passion between them ignited. She could taste his desire, feel it thrumming through him like a living thing. It only fueled her own hunger, stoking the flames until they roared out of control.Breaking away for a moment, she gazed into his eyes, seeing the raw need reflected back at her. "Is this what you wanted?" she purred, her voice husky with arousal.Sage couldn't find words to respond. He was lost in the heat of their connection, drowning in Jora's intoxicating scent and touch. All he could do was nod frantically, desperate for more of her.Emboldened by his reaction, Jora resumed their kiss with renewed fervor. Her hands roamed over Sage's body, mapping every curve and plane of muscle beneath his clothes.

Sage had seen the change in Jora's stance, the sudden fire igniting in her eyes at his words. He met her kiss just a wildly, pressing against her with a need that only she could fulfill. His arms had gone around her, fingers moving over her body. They'd eventually hooked over her shoulders in an effort to keep himself up, her words causing his mind to blank. If he could've spoken, it would've been something along the lines of 'oh, hell yes.' However, he couldn't manage that much, so he'd just nodded, eyes glittering darkly. She'd moved to press herself at him again, and it was only a few minutes later he found himself on the ground, flat on his back. He didn't mind, of course....it just pulled a slightly chuckle from his lips, not knowing exactly how he'd gotten there. It was almsot like she'd put a spell on him or something...all he could think about was her. Her touch, her warmth, how oddly safe he felt under her. How right it all seemed. It was certainly odd, but he didn't want it to stop. Not now, not ever.
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As Sage's body hit the ground, Jora straddled him effortlessly, pinning his wrists above his head with one hand while the other explored the hard planes of his chest. She could feel his heart racing beneath her touch, pounding out a rhythm that matched her own accelerated pulse. The air was thick with tension, heavy with unspoken desire as their gazes locked in a heated stare.