
Camery Valatieri - Cam nodded quietly, and just held herself close to him. "I know," she whispered softly. She knew he was doing what he thought was right... bur she couldn't help but feel she was, quite literally, her job. She'd had a plan, and this was... setting her plan off course. She sighed and leaned in just a little, closing her eyes and trying to drift off.
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Malakai Negri - "I love you..." he whispered.

Camery Valatieri - Cam was already half asleep at his comment, so just nodded. She drifted off quietly, curling up under the covers and turning over onto her side, using his arm as a pillow. She wasn't upset persay... just a little nervous. She didn't want to wait for these children. It just seemed senseless. Why would she wait when they could just have them? Why did it matter why she wanted them? She wanted a baby with Kai because she loved him, and she wanted a baby because they'd need an heir. She didn't see what more of a reason they could need.
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Malakai Negri - Kai was hurt when she just nodded. He hadn't meant to upset her. His stomach clenched in a way he didn't like as she turned away from him. Kai's thoughts whorled mostly bad thoughts, shaming himself for upsetting her. He had only ever wanted to make her happy, and it seemed like he always messed up somehow. Before he could stop himself silent tears were dripping down his face.

Camery Valatieri - Cam held onto the arm wrapped around her as she settled down in her sleep, a soft breath of air escaping her. She was exhausted... her mother being around, the wedding planning, the night they'd had and then this? It was a lot. She wasn't upset, just trying to process things as she slept. She curled up a little more, pulling her knees up to her stomach and tucking her chin to her chest. She'd never had bad dreams or anything, but when she was thinking too hard, she did start to mumble in her sleep. Senseless words, which was what where happing now. Random words, like heirs... kingdom... Malakai... all repeating quietly with every other breath she took.
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Malakai Negri - Kai had to pull away from her gently. He rolled over, back to her, and curled up, knees to his chest, wings wrapped around himself as he cried quietly. He forced himself to be quiet, not wanting to wake her. The inner battle fought within him. He wanted to make her happy, give her the world and everything that she ever wanted, but there was also that part of him that wanted to do what he knew was going to be better, for the both of them.

Camery Valatieri - Camery slept through most of the night pretty soundly - although, she did wake up, about four the next morning. She reached to run her hand along Kai's arm, as she normally did when she wanted to be held tighter, or when she was cold or... well, when she was being needy, really. When she found that his arm wasn't there, or she couldn't feel him pressed against her, she panicked for a moment. She turned over, and when she saw him curled up in a ball, she couldn't help the worry going through her. She reached over to put a soft hand on his back, and after a moment she wrapped it under his wing and held onto his torso tightly. She buried her nose into the back of his neck, her legs curling up under his. "Kai?" She asked gently after a moment, letting out a tierd breath.
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Malakai Negri - Kai had just stopped crying right before she woke. He hadn't slept a wink. He was still shaky, his eyes bloodshot with tear stains down his cheeks. "...Yeah?" he asked quietly and shakily, still not moving.

Camery Valatieri - Camery shrugged slightly, and moved to bury her nose into the back of his neck. Her hand slid up his torso, eventually resting on his peck as she curled up. She wasn't too tired to notice the shakiness in his voice, though. Her brows furrowed slightly. "What's up?" She asked in a soft tone.
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Malakai Negri - Kai breathed in a shaky breath to attempt to steady herself. "Nothing... I'm fine..." he sniffled, wiping his cheeks.