yeah.let me finish my 380# deadlifts rq tho Caden finished his deadlifts before heading over to Rose. "How much we talkin?"
(Off for a while) "I'm hoping to hit 200 by the end of today's session." She explained, getting on the bench.
"And im hoping to hit 400.Just remember,act like it weighs two pounds and just push." Caden avised.
"Right. Easy." She mocked.
Caden spotted Rose before congratulating and putting 400 on his barbell. "Just one deadlift." Caden then picked up the barbell and lifted it succesfully.
"Show off." She said with a smile, kissing him. "Ready?" She took his hand and the two drove back to his house. "Shit. I have my game....." She muttered, walking into his room.
"Hey,its a PR." Caden said with a laugh. "Whatever.You're going to freaking destroy them.Trust me.You'll win." Caden leaned over and kissed Rosa before taking a massage gun to his calves,sore from practice. [posted on dogwood btw]
(KK. Gonna bounce back and forth lol) "Yeah." She said, slightly leaning on him.
[nice] "You need this?" Caden questions,offering the massage gun.
"No thanks." She says, standing up. "I better head to the school now to warm up as a team and go over rotations one more time." She yawned, "You got a Redbull somehwere, babe?"