Rose cautiously got up and walked to the door. She reached out slowly, fearful it might be live with electricity or hurt her in some way. She placed her hand on it and pushed. Nothing happened except it opened. She cautiously took a step out and glanced around. Nobody was there. Anxious, she walked out and didn't look back, trying to find Caden
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Caden banged through another set of doors,fuming.He walked up to a guard and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt,pinning him to the wall. "Where is she?" Caden asks,pinning the guard harder to the wall. "Where's who?" The guard asked,confused. "Rose.Where is she son of a bitch?" Caden yells,face even redder beneath the blood. "Oh,Rose.I don't know.I think she might be on the west or south wing?Im only stationed here on the east wing." Caden dropped the guard and took his gun,hitting the guard with the butt of it.The guard fell,Caden snarking and reloading it,walking off.
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Rose walked, glancing to see if any guns were around, as she walked down a hall. She passed more cells, her fear slowly residing as she didn't hear anyone
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Caden banged through yet another set of doors,spotting the sliver of a person and ducking behind a door,gun loaded and ready. With a face covered in blood,a mindset ready to draw blood,and a weapon meant to see blood,Caden was ready to kill.Or whatever it would take.
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Rose's heart picked up speed as she heard someone walk in. Or, rather, storm in. She ducked inside the nearest open cell with worry in her mind
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Caden waited,eventually getting up.He stalked a few steps quietly,gun raised and ready.Caden saw the outline of somebody in the cell,him only slightly lowering his gun. "Get up.Follow behind me.Now." He orders,not trying to sound extra rude but,enough to be commanding.Caden continued walking,scanning everywhere with both his gun and eyes.
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Rose stares at him in disbelief. "No." She stated, crossing her arms. "You're not the fucking boss of me."
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"Then you can rot here." He says,not turning back as he kept walking. "Don't know who the fuck you are but good luck on your own." Caden returns in his raspy voice,not caring.
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"What do you mean? It's me, Rose." She said, hurt
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"No,they killed her.Poisoned.'Bout killed me to." He says,deciding that was that as he walked through the doors (hear he hear he,go order ye art before ye forget hehe)
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