
Camery looked up at him with a bit of a nod, her cheeks flushing up ever so slighty. "Yeah," she mused. "More of that on our honeymoon," she giggled, leaning up to peck his lips as she settled down at the edge of the bed with a small stretch. Her eyes wandered to the underwear he'd ripped off her, and sort of moved to bin them before slipping her shirt back on with a chuckle, and adjusting her shirt slightly. "We do need to head back at some point, you know," she mused lightly.
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Kai smiled and chuckled. "Alright, baby," he grinned, sitting up. He sighed, "Yeah, we do," he said getting dressed again. "Can you walk back? Or do I need to carry you?" He teased lightly.

Camery raised a brow at his tease, and sort of plopped down on the bed as she waited for him. She hummed softly, sort of kicking her leg out. She chuckled, and shook her head slightly. "Depends. Do you want to carry me back?" She asked with a chuckle, although it sort of turned into a rather exhausted yawn. "If you do I might fall sleep," she mused.
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Kai smiled and scooped her up into his arms. "So sleep then. I've got you," he smiled, kissing her head.

Cam squeaked slightly as he scooped her up, and sort of moved to rest her head against his shoulder. "I didn't say you had to!" She mused lightly, although by the time he'd gotten to the door of the hotel, she was already passed out against the mans chest, curling up in his arms.
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Kai smiled. "But I know you wanted me to," he mused, walking her out of the hotel and up the streets towards the palace.

Cam just grumbled something under her breath, having barely been awake as she'd heard his comment. She sighed softly, essentially passing out in his arms. She couldn't even imagine what the town's folk must have thought, with her going in over his shoulder and coming out asleep in his arms. Whatever, she supposed it didn't matter too much.
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Kai smiled, carrying her up to the palace and intk their room. He tucked her into bed, curling into her.

Camery stayed settled down his arms, although shifted when she felt herself being tucked in, only really moving to curl into his chest.
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Kai smiled and closed his eyes, calming down.