Diablo smiles as you can see i come back just fine dont worry so much he nuzzles her as he keeps walking with her they walks for a while till they make it back to the meadow where the other mares and colts where at he walks out in to the meddow and the hurd greets him and he greets them back with a whinne
Diablo looked at her then then this is our new member treat her nice he walks up to the front of the herd with her and nuzzles her happy and then licks his wounds he could reach a bit he feel the brezze blowing it felt nice it was not to warm the trees and tall grass sway a bit as the brezze bewl
Diablo watched her walk away sassy and smirks a bit then shakes out his mane then looked up to the sky breathing in the air then looked around again seeing some mares grazing others laying around sunning there self with wings streatched out