
Anya cocked her head a little but tried not to ask questions. That's not what Sage or Lizzie needed. She wanted to know how often this happened and if it was routine or not if it was the same people every time and where they came from. She couldn't do anything about it at the moment but in a few years, the girl would have the kingdom sorted. Or, she would try at least. She looked the two over from a distance. Lizzie seemed shaken up but fine. Sage on the other hand had blood seeping through his shirt but seemed fine in himself, but Anya wasn't sure if he was just pumping with adrenaline. "Can you open the tavern? You need to get cleaned up and there's no way you're going home." The girl grumbled quietly.
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Sage glanced over at Anya, confused. "What?" Lizzie reached a hand out and touched his side gently and showed the blood to him. He made an annoyed face and nodded. "Oh. Yeah, I'll open it up." He did just that and gestured for the girls to come inside before closing the door and locking it behind them.
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The girl waddled through to the kitchen, drabbing a pan as she started to warm up some water. She grabbed a couple of cups, filling them up with slightly cooler liquid before bringing them though and putting them down infront of the two. "Do you guys feel ok? Not light headed or anything?" Anya asked before disapearing into the kitchen, grabbing the pan and a cloth before walking back though, putting the pan in the table, letting the water cool for a while as she finally sat down. She could still hear screaming... she wasn't sure if it was in her head or if the slave traders had found another helpless target. She was just thankful she had found Sage and Lizzie when she had, or things could have go a completely different way. Edited at July 29, 2022 07:56 PM by Belle
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Sage shrugged. "I feel fine," he muttered. "You stopped them before things got too bad " He sat down on a chair and checked his side. "I'll be fine. I don't need stitches or anything." It was true...he felt fine other than a headache, but he was still crazy with adrenaline, so that would change soon most likely. He didn't really care, though, Lizzie was safe and that was all that mattered. Edited at July 29, 2022 08:46 PM by NightClan
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Anya rolled her eye a little. This settled the fact that he was outstandingly brave to her. She was certain that if she were in Sage's position she would be balling her eyes out. She dipped the cloth into the pan before ringing it out and wandering to his side, "Can you do this or do you need a hand?" Anya murmured, curling her index finger to tilt his head in her direction. The nick on his face was only a small one, but it would sting if it wasn't looked after properly. Anya glanced over at Lizzie, trying, trying to give her a small smile. "You didn't get hurt at all did you?" She asked quietly. Edited at July 30, 2022 06:27 AM by Belle
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Lizzie looked over at Anya and shook her head. "Im just a little scared," she whispered. "But I'm ok now!" Sage sighed and took the rag before wiping his face and side off. He set the rag down after only a few seconds, used to just stitching himself up and being done with it all ... He didn't really have a lot of things to clean the injuries with.... The pond was fine if he was there, and if not, he just had to be cautious about signs of infection.
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"Good." The girl murmured quietly, sitting back in the chair. She was still a little speechless. If Sage wasn't there, god knows what would have happened to Lizzie. Would they have beten her the same as they had to Sage? She hoped not. Anya also found herself wondering if they were going to take both Sage and his sister. He said they were after young adults as well. That or they would have taken the girl and left him for dead. Could people be so awful?
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Sage rested his head in his chin and then stood up and started pacing. It probably didn't help his side at all, but he was too restless to sit still. He started nibbling on his thumb nail, and when he bit it down too far and it started bleeding, he huffed out an annoyed breath through his nose and started biting his pointer finger nail. He was worried... They were safe now but what if they came back? He couldn't always be by Lizzie's side.
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Anya watched him for a while before letting out a sigh. "Sage, chill out." She grumbled as she rested her forehead on her hand. She knew it was easier said than done, and that telling him to take a breath would make it worse, but she was worried he was going to spiral and hurt himself more. Lizzie was luckly to have someone who would go to such an extent to look after her. "Do they come about often?" She whispered, trying to clear a fridged air.
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Sage sighed and sat down again, next to Anya. He thought for a second before replying. "Every now and then. Something about letting us 'repopulate in between runs'. I dunno. Maybe three, four times a year? Soemthing like that." He made a face and rested his arms on the table and propped his chin on them, trying to calm down. He bounced his leg up and down, not able to sit completely still, but managed to slow his breathing down to a somewhat normal rate. Edited at July 30, 2022 12:54 PM by NightClan
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