ASTRAL Axelia Axelia nods to Nyx. "I will investigate this further. I do hope this is all a misunderstanding but if it is found that Kira did indeed break the rules she will be punished. But I refuse to punish one of my pack until I see the evidence myself" she says. "Let's go" she tells her pack. Galene Galene nuzzles into his chest. Syon Syon returns to his den NIGHT WALKERS Starlette Starlette returns to her den Oakley Oakley listens. Brixton Brixton huffs, "seriously? We're letting them go?" Eros Eros puts a paw out to stop Brixton. "Control yourself" he tells his friend. LONERS Roscoe Roscoe turns following Axelia.

-Night Walker Pack- -Nyx- Nyx watches the pack leave. She stands up straight gazing at each one, her gaze blazes when Kira hangs back and makes herself the last to leave. She growls -Ravenna- Ravenna starts to clean herself. -Fenrir- Fenrir watches Kira as well, his amber eyes locking onto hers. -Koda- Koda springs back into the middle of the camp, pretending like nothing had happened. -Astral Pack- -Odin- Odin nods at his alpha's words and then follows her. -Luna- Luna watches Roscoe and follows. -Kira- Kira watches her pack leave and then eyes up the pack of wolves in front of her. She watches them all with a certain curiousity. She studies the males of the pack, watching them like a hawk before turning and leaving, slipping through the trees without a trace. -Kaelen- Kaelen licks her ear. His eyes twinkle mischievously. "Fancy another walk tonight?" He says gazing at her hopefully.
ASTRAL Axelia Axelia returns to camp leading the rest of them. Galene Galene nods, "I'd love to" Syon Syon returns to his den NIGHT WALKERS Starlette Starlette returns to her den Oakley Oakley looks up Brixton Brixton returns along with Eros Eros Eros glares as they leave before turning and walking back to camp LONERS Roscoe Roscoe turns following Axelia.

-Night Walker Pack- -Nyx- Nyx turns to head back into camp. She growls in frustration. "Fenrir. You knew which wolf it was?" She eyes him. -Ravenna- Ravenna pauses watching the wolves walk back into the camp. -Fenrir- Fenrir turns to his alpha "Yes, the one that's called Kira". He looks at Eros, a wave of sympathy strikes him for the male that has to deal with his alpha. Frustation was never a good sign and often meant something cruel. -Koda- Koda turns to watch once again. He knew of his mother's frustration outbursts and stayed very well away. -Astral Pack- -Odin- "Are you ok?" Odin asks Axelia, as they approach the camp. -Luna- Luna enters the camp, looking at Roscoe. She studies as Kira makes her way through. "DId you betray me?" She hisses under her breath at Kira. -Kira- Kira looks at Luna, the snarl rising on her face. "I would never" She lied, but she never wanted to hurt Luna. She sighed "I hunted on the other side of the border once" She whispered at Luna. Luna hissed "You did what?" Her anger flashing in her gaze, disappointment, all of it at once. "I can't believe you" She shakes her head. She looks at Roscoe. "You know I won't be able to lie for you" Luna hisses again. Kira nods her head. "I don't know, what possessed me to do it" She whispers again. "It won't happen again I promise" She pleads with Luna. -Kaelen- Kaelen wanted to talk hopes and dreams with Galene but the pack had returned. He smiled mischievously at Galene.
ASTRAL Axelia Axelia sighs, "I guess, I just need to know if I can trust Kira's word though. That other wolf seemed so determined that it was her" Galene Galene smiles, "Would you like to collect herbs with me?" she asks, wanting time to talk with him. Syon Syon returns to his den NIGHT WALKERS Starlette Starlette returns to her den Oakley Oakley looks up Brixton Brixton decidede to take a walk. Eros Eros watches as Fenrir replies. He rests his tail across Nyx's back, trying to calm her down. LONERS Roscoe Roscoe backs up, not wanting to be apart of their discussion

-Night Walker Pack- -Nyx- Nyx snaps at Eros. She paces, looking at her pack. Her eyes light up at the pups "Take me to the human you've killed". -Ravenna- Ravenna looks at Nyx, she doesn't think she's ever seen her this angry before. -Fenrir- Fenrir turns his head towards the pups. -Koda- Koda swallows hard. -Astral Pack- -Odin- Odin nods "I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this" He saysn softly as they enter the camp. -Luna- Luna looks at Kira and then Roscoe. She felt hopeless. Torn in two. -Kira- Kira watches as the alpha and beta join them in the camp. She holds her head high ready to face off the accusation. -Kaelen- "Now?" Kaelen asks as his glances to the other wolves before looking at Galene.
ASTRAL Axelia Axelia nods Galene Galene smiles, "Perhaps in a few hours?" Syon Syon returns to his den NIGHT WALKERS Starlette Starlette returns to her den Oakley Oakley looks at Koda before noding, quickly scurrying Brixton Brixton decided to take a walk. Eros Eros backs up. LONERS Roscoe Roscoe stays quiet, but offers a tail over her back in comfort

-Night Walker Pack- -Nyx- "Eros, you can come with" She says in a softer tone. -Ravenna- Ravenna watches over the camp as the wolves leave. -Fenrir- Fenrir sees the others leaves and then heads over to Starlette's den and watches her. He felt the impatience waiting for the day turning to night, just to talk to her. -Koda- Koda follows Nyx out of the camp. -Astral Pack- -Odin- Odin swings his gaze to Kira. -Luna- Luna looks at Roscoe and smiles softly. She studies her father as he and the alpha look towards Kira. -Kira- Kira watches the alpha and beta. -Kaelen- Kaelen nods. "Ok, maybe come and get me in a few hours?" He sighs, eyes shining.
ASTRAL Axelia Axelia lowers her voice. "Kira, please come here" Galene Galene smiles and nods, "okay". "Where are you going?" Syon Syon returns to his den Roscoe Roscoe turns as Axelia calls for Kira
NIGHT WALKERS Starlette Starlette heard pawsteps. She didn't have to look to know who was at the entrance. "Stop being all stalker like. If you slave something to say just say it" she says turning around. Oakley Oakley leads them to the edge of the black path with the metal devices running at insane speeds Brixton Brixton decided to take a walk. Eros Eros smiles, tagging along.

-Night Walker Pack- -Nyx- Nyx leads the way through the trees, the path familiar to where the east night watch post was. As they approached she could smell the human's blood but no body. The metallic hum for the fast metal boxes whooshing past, the leaves of the trees, disturbed by their presence. -Ravenna- Ravenna stands up, her old joints creaking, she circles to set for her late afternoon nap. -Fenrir- Fenrir watches sheepishly, he didn't know what to say. "So how long have you had a crush on me?" He speaks up as he says teasingly. -Koda- Koda follows Nyx out of the camp. -Astral Pack- -Odin- Odin watches Kira move. -Luna- Luna plants herself at Roscoe's side, her fur brushing his, the anticipation wavering in her eyes. -Kira- Kira moves forwards towards them. Her steps careful and light. She held her head high. -Kaelen- "Nowhere but just call me when you're ready" He winks at her, walking over to the lake, sitting down as he swings his head from Galene to the commotion.