
Camery nodded in agreement as she looked around the place. They'd get married, right here, in just two days time. Her dress would arrive that afternoon... and she couldn't wait to try it on with all of the alterations. "It's going to be so perfect, Malakai. So, so perfect," she whispered with a chuckle.
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Kai smiled. "Absolutely perfect," he hummed happily.

Cam nodded in agreement, and gently squeezed his hands, leaning back against his arms. "I can't wait," she hummed, leaning up to peck his lips softly. She couldn't wait. All she'd ever wanted to do was get married to someone she loved and cared for - someone who loved and cared for her in return, too. She never thought that would happen, but in two days, she'd be married to someone she loved to unconditionally. "Come on. We're having a rest day," she mused lightly.
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Kai smiled. "An actual rest day? Or a try to rest but just end up..." he trailed off, knowing she'd know what he'd meant.

Camery looked up at him and wrinkled her nose at him. "Get your god awful mind out of the gutter," she chuckled, leaning in to peck his jaw. "I mean an actual rest day," she mused. "I mean, get some snacks, curl up and watch a movie or something," she added with a smile.
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Kai raised his hands with a chuckle. "Hey, I just wanted to know if you were gonna ambush me later," he teased. "I think I'd like that very much,"

Cam pouted up at him, and reached to take his hand in hers. "Ambuch you?! She squeaked with a small chuckle. "I have never, every ambushed you. You're the only one doing any sort of ambushing," she complained, sort of turning and wandering back towards the castle. She smiled at his next comment, though. "Good. Then, you go pick a movie, and I'll find some snack out," she chirped.
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Kai rolled his eyes with a chuckle, walking back with her. "Do i need to remind you about that first time we did it? I was just standing on the side, doing my job and you run up to me and attacked my spots," he retorted.

Can have him such a look, and sort of pointed at him. "I had no choice. You said if I went off with anyone else I need a new bodyguard. You were just so handsome that I couldn't stand the thought of waking up without you stood in the corner," she mused lightly to him. She then pouted, stopping outside the kitchens. "I also distinctly remember you throwing me over your shoulder and carrying me off. You actually told me to come and touch your spots, and so I did," she mused lightly to him after a moment. She sighed and squeezed his hand, letting go. "Alright, I'm gonna grab some snacks. You run upstairs and get everything set up, hm?"
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"Hey, i told you if you needed a release you'd come to me and only me. I wouldn'tve thrown you over my shoulder if you didn't touch my spots," he retorted. "Alright," he nodded, kissing her before going their separate ways.