
Kai settled down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Fiinneeeeee" he whined. "What genre do you wanna watch? Romance, comedy, horror..."

Cam smiled lightly over at him, curling into his chest as his arm wrapped around her. She looked curious for a moment or two, thoughtful, then shrugged softly. "I'd say lets watch a horror movie, but you get upset when I'm scared sooo," she mused lightly. "Rom com!"
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Kai smiled and chuckled. "Alright," he mused, scrolling through their options until they found one they both agreed on and started it.

Cam grinned at him, and settled down, grabbing a little bowl of sweets and putting it between them. She curled up into him, resting her head on his chest with a soft sigh as they found sort of rom-com-thriller that seemed to be the perfect fit for the both of them. She smiled gently and moved to peck his lips after a moment. "Kai?" She whispered softly. "Am I... taking your last name?" She asked curiously.
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"Do you want to?" He asked softly.

Cam shrugged softly aftera moment. "I wouldn't mind taking yours but then..." she trailed off after a moment, looking back at the tv, getting caught up in it for a moment, then looking back up at him. "Am I taking the title of queen of the night kingdom? Or am I still Princess Camery of the Day Kingdom?" She asked with a chuckle. Her eyes then widened. "And what title will our kids have?"
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"You'll be Camery Negri, Queen of the Night Kingdom and Princess of the Day Kingdom, and our children will be Prince or Princess of the Night and Day Kingdoms," he said. And it was only a matter of time before her father passed or stepped down from the throne, and then, they'd probably merge the kingdoms.

Camery felt a little grin crossing her face, sort of resting her head back on his chest. Yes, she liked that, a lot. Camery Negi. It sounded good. She chuckled softly to him after a moment or two. "I like that," she whispered softly. "Then you'll be king of the King of the Night Kingdom and Prince of the Day Kingdom! Then you'll be King - again," she mused softly.
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Kai smiled and chuckled. "I like that too,"

Cam grinned lightly to him after a moment, giving him a small chuckle. "Good!" She chirped. If - when they had children, they'd get the title of Prince or Princess of the Day and Night Kingdom. They'd be joining the Kingdoms together. "You know how powerful we're gonna be? Two strong ass kingdoms joining together," she mused softly.
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