
Kai swallowed nervously. He really didn't want to be separated from her, especially overnight. "Yeah..." he muttered, voice barely above a whisper.

She looked up at him after a moment, and sort of reached to hold his hand. She entwined her fingers gently, then gave him a gentle smile. "We don't have to - but we're gonna have a whole honeymoon, on a private island for two months together after," she murmured softly. They could do whatever they wanted to, she supposed - but if he didn't want to do it, they certainly didn't have to.
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Kai shook his head. "I don't want to, I don't like being away from you overnight, I can't sleep without you,"

Cam nodded gently. She didn't want to not do it - it was tradition, and it was so the next time you saw eachother it was even more special. But, this was a different case, she supposed. "...okay. We don't have to," she whispered softly. She offered a sheepish smile, and squeezed his hand lightly. "We can do whatever you'd like. Buutttt, you've gotta promise to act surprised to see me on our wedding day," she teased.
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Kai smiled and nodded. "Okay," he agreed brightly.

Camery smiled over at him, and shifted to wrap her arms around his sides. "If it makes you happy," she mused softly. She looked up at him with a small smile. "You know I'd do anything to see you happy, right?" She asked gently.
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Kai smiled and nodded. "I know. And, I love you for it,"

Camery smile over at him, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "I love you too," she promised gently. Honestly, she didn't like the idea... she was so caught up in tradition, what she was taught. You married a prince, or a king, or a lord... as long as it was what your parents wanted, you got married, and you had children as soon as possible. So far, none of those things were going to happen. Well, they were getting married, but her parents certainly hadn't approved. Well, her mother didn't mind all too much, but her father... well, he'd literally gone insane over it. They weren't having children until Kai said they were ready, and he didn't want to do this little thing that was also so deeply routed in tradition. She knew there were reasons for it, and they were all fair, but it didn't sit right with her. She sighed softly, and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.
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Kai smiled and buried his nose in her hair. "Are you okay with not staying apart on our wedding night?"

Cam looked up after a moment, and sighed softly. "I don't... like it, but I'm okay with it I guess," she whispered softly. She didn't want him to be stressed - and she fully believed he'd be very stressed if she didn't stay with him.
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