
"Oh..." he felt very guilty now. Kai hated denying her things, he was already denying her from having kids right after they got married. But them staying together was very important to him. He would be very, very stressed and worked up if they weren't sleeping together that night. But that was another one of Kai's issues and he felt really bad for being the problem. "I'm sorry..."

Cam frowned slightly after a moment, and gave him a quick squeeze. "No, don't be sorry," she mused gently to him after a moment. "I want you to be comfortable. Plus, if you don't sleep tomorrow night then how on earth are you gonna whisk me away after our wedding?" She asked with a small chuckle. She was a little bit disappointed that things weren't going how she'd imagined, but Malakais happiness was more important to her tenfold. "Kai... baby, it's fine. It's a silly tradition anyway," she murmured. All tradition was silly, but she'd always loved it. It meant you knew what to expect. One day away from the one person you loved more than anything, then getting to see them dressed up like you'd never seen before... the point was to make that first sighting of them so much more special. But, again, like she'd said, Kai was more important to her than that
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"Well... I can keep my eyes closed the morning of our wedding day until you slip out, so technically, I don't see you," he offered.

Camery looked up at him and gave a small chuckle. "I'd love that," she murmured softly to him.
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Kai smiled "Okay, its a plan," he hummed, kissing her forehead.

Camery looked up at him with a gentle smile. She still didn't like it, but they'd sort of settled in the middle, she supposed. Whatever, they'd be alright - they'd be getting married, and at the end of the day that was all that mattered. "It's a good plan," she whispered, letting out a soft breath before settling back down and closing her eyes.
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Kai smiled, happy that she was happy with the plan. He settled back down with her, curling in.

Camery settled down quietly, admittedly a litttleeee disappointed in the whole thing. She knew her only ever do what was best for the two of them, though. He wouldn't sleep if she wasn't there, and he'd probably start stressing out about the whole thing, and she really didn't want that for him... not ever. She sighed and tried to let herself drift off to sleep, her hand finding his and holding onto it tightly.
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Kai held her hand tightly. He smiled, "I love you so much..." he whispered.

Camery smiled lightly, keeping her eyes close as she heard him. She loved him so much, he didn't even understand. "I love you more," she murmured quietly as she curled up on his chest, slowly slipping off to sleep.
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