
Camery pouted, her hand slipping up to his jaw, gently tilting his head back to press a soft kiss to his lips. She settled back down and patted his chest, admittedly a little amused. "I know, I know, but it's so fun," she murmured softly, offering him a small smile even if he couldn't see it. "But all I did was trace your abs. You shouldn't be that worked up," she whispered with an amused chuckle.
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"I don't find it fun..." he muttered, crossing his arms. "Yeah, well welcome to the world of Night Kingdom males," he muttered, now grumpy.

Camery couldn't help her soft chuckle when he crossed his arms, and sort of gently pulled his shoulder to lay on your back. "Awhh look who's grumpy," she murmured softly, leaning in to peck his lips again. "I'm still getting used to it all!" She mused. "I thought it was just your wings," she added after a second or two, her lips sort of twitching into a smile. "I happen to find it incredibly fun," she noted, sort of rolling out of bed after a moment, the sound of her opening and closing drawers filling the room.
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Kai grumbled and rolled over, his back to her. Now left with a dull ache he hated so much. He didn't reply to her comments, now rather irritated and upset.

"Awww don't be mad," she chuckled. Cam grabbed a tie out of the drawer, a small hum escaping her as she wandered back over. "Lift your head?" She asked lightly, leaning in to peck his temple in a more loving than playful manner. Edited at March 12, 2025 06:13 PM by Belle
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Kai shook his head grumpily and buried his face in his hands.

Camery groaned softly, moving to run her fingers through his hair. She sort of leaned in so her lips brushed lightly against his ear. "Kai, baby, I'm trying to fix it but you need to work with me here," she told him soflty, although still admittedly in a rather amused tone.
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"Stop it." He said firmly, irritated. He rolled over, his back facing her again. He spread a wing over his body so she couldnt touch. "You're just gonna make me wait till tomorrow, so stop teasing me and getting me all worked up just for you to tell me no again," he grumbled.

Cam felt a frown cross her face at his response, although as admittedly a little taken aback. She opened her mouth, but then he rolled away and covered himself up with his wing. "Well, no, I wasn't going to," she muttered. She had be teasing but she certainly wasn't going to make him wait. He'd gotten upset, and she was fully planning to fix it - but not after he'd spoken to her like that. "But I'm certainly not going to now," she added, a little... hurt by his turning away from her touch. She shook her head, standing up again and slipping her shoes on. To go do... something. Anything other than sit here with a man that just seemed irritated with her very being.
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Kai curled up into a tiny little ball, completely covering himself in his wings. He buried his face in his hands, tears welling in his eyes. He didnt want her to go, he didn't want her to be upset, but she knew he hated being teased, hated being denied, hated being touched and worked up just for her to have her fun and not let him have any. She knew all that and yet she still teased him. Still worked him up for her own pleasure and never giving him what he needed.