
Rose happily and eagerly kissed him back
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Caden flipped them again,pulling himself atop of her to deepen it even more.

Rose kept her hands knotted in his hair, smiling into the kiss as she was flipped over again
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Caden smiled,feeling her hands in his hair and kissing her.

Rose kept kissing him, content to stay here forever but knew she was growing tired
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Caden eventually broke away,eyes fluttering open as he caught his breath. "Im,defanitly tireed now." He mutters.

"Same but wish I wasn't" She admitted, kissing him softly once more before moving her arms around him and curling up for bed
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"Same." He mutters,setting her off of him and sliding under the covers.

Rose sighed and slipped under the covers beside him, content. She curled up beside him and laid her head on his shoulder
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Caden grinned and wrapped his arm around her,pulling her close.