
Rose jumped slightly at his words, having not seen him. "Fuck...." She said, sighing with relief that it was only him. She watched him walk downstairs and followed a bit behind him. "You alright?" She asked softly
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"мой разум - вечная тюрьма, из которой нет выхода, но голоса удушают. стены приближаются, как зыбучий песок, пока я сижу и смотрю во что бы то ни было, а мои мысли выходят из-под контроля.*" He snapped,walking onto the backporch. "My mind is a eternal prison,no escaping but the voices are suffocating.The walls close in like quicksand as I sit there and stare into whatever,all while my thoughts spiral out of control*^." Caden mutters,this time in english. (*=*^)

Rose stood there, her arms crossed in anger that she couldn't do anything to help him
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Caden wanted to yell,at something,at anything.He wanted to yell and punch somebody,shoot a certain someone.....But that was meant to be in his past,not his present.Caden rested his hand on his temple,going still.

Rose walked back upstairs silently, not knowing what to do that would help
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After awhile of doing things(subtle foreshadowing??),Caden walked back to the bedroom,new shadows under his eyes as he drifted into a uneven sleep.

Idea! Rose-car crash?) Rose stood at the balcony, thinking again as Caden lay down
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damn....YES) Caden fell asleep quickly,feeling like crap but,that was whatever.

But when? Like when she's going to Katie's?) Rose kept thinking
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highway) Caden slept,twitching here and there but resting.