"Don't know and don't care.Ukha sounds amazing,miss having that in Russia.Eh,it's whatever.Just doordash something.Won't be in for a minute though,going to try this one last time." He says,wiping his hands again before hopping back in,starting it up and this time,sounding brand new. "Finally." He groaned,hopping back out and closing the hood.
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"What is that?" She asked curiously when he mentioned a food she'd never heard of
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"Russian fish soup.Pretty much like chicken noodle soup but,no noodles,fish instead of chicken,and alot hotter.You saw it alot in the winter.Good to drink in Moscow." He says,hanging the Camero's keys up.
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Rose smiled at him and ordered it, kinda confused at the interesting dish. She didn't want food, so she just walked to the fridge and grabbed a redbull before going upstairs
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"What other cars need fixed?The c8 needs help,not gonna lie." He muttered,walking over to it and A.) cleaning the license plate B.) fixing the winshield wipers,small but needed task.
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Rose sat upstairs, flipping through Tiktok
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Caden walked in,smelling of greese,oil,and sweat.A knock on the door made him go for it,picking up a bag from doordash. "Babe,did you doordash anything?" He asks,setting the bag down.
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"Yeah, for you." She answered
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"Sweet." He says,opening up the Ukha. "Wait,where did you find this?" He asks,starting to dig in,memories of living in Moscow flooding in.
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"I have my ways" She teased, going over and kissing his cheek
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