
"Oh, for sure. Maybe you'll get third." She countered teasingly, laughing a bit. "So what do you want to do? Rodeo or just ranchwork?" She asked, now curious since she did have a competition coming up
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"Well I've been hired on to do ranch work, but your dad said I would be taking 6 of his lot to rodeos. Apparently he's wanting to do some breeding and selling of rodeo horses now. I'll probably do the Pleasure and Cutting horses." he smiled, enjoying the company he had missed.

"Well next weekend i'm running barrels in a rodeo not an hour away from here. Care to join me?" She offered with a soft smile. She had missed Ares and the rides they had done together when they were younger.
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"Sure! You'll have to help me fine tune my patterns," chuckling softly, he patted Boys neck. They rode together for a little while longer, before Ares noticed the bosses truck driving in.

Cadence turned her horse around and grinned at Ares tauntingly before clicking to her mare and sprinting in the direction of the driveway
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His eyes widened, a quick surprise crossed his brows before he tossed his head back and laughed. Sending his hand up Boys neck, they galloped after her.

Cadence slowed down as they neared the ranch and her father called her over. "Yeah?" She asked, hopping off and grabbing her reins. "Could you start up dinner?" He asked, gesturing to Ares for him to grab the feed out of the back of the truck
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Leaving Boy at a post, Ares tossed a bag of feed over one shoulder. And motioned to the gentleman on the back of the truck, to pass him another. "Take it easy boy, the work isn't running away!" the old man laughed, slapping his hands on the feed bags. "Better if it's done quicker," Ares joked, shooting him a wink. "I'll be back for the rest in a sec."

Cadence went inside, getting out the ingredients for chicken alfredo. She finished around an hour later and dished up the bowls for her family plus the ranch-hands. She walked out to the porch and called everyone in for dinner before walking back inside
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Dusting his hands on his jeans, Ares heard Cadence calling for dinner. He finished with the bales, and went to his bunkhouse to shower. He knew the boys would tease him for it, but he liked to shower as soon as his day was done. Rather than wait until late, so he scrubbed up quickly, and threw some comfy clothes on. He let himself into the main house, the voices of everyone loud and happy.