
Caleb looked at her and noticed. He took off his jacket and put it on her. "Here you'll catch a chill" he said caring before stepping back. He'd have to walk back to the ranch but he didn't mind.

Taylor Browns - Taylor took the jacket with a grateful smile. "Thanks" she said pulling his coat over her shoulders. She started walking towards the barn, Houdini walking beside her. Taylor wanted to talk with Caleb, so she wouldn't ride back. Taylor looked back over her shoulder and smiled at the boy. "Are you coming?"

He nodded and walked next to Taylor. He felt a strange attraction toward her that he hadn't felt for anyone else before. He didn't know what to do about it

Taylor Browns - Taylor walked beside Caleb, one hand loosely swinging at her side and one holding Houdini's reins. They just walked in silence for a bit. "Okay, why'd you get me Olive? You really didn't have to." she said with a smile. "Is there anything I can give you back?" she added

Caleb looked over at her. "I don't know. Felt like it" he said he didn't want anything in return "nah you good" he glanced over at her. She looked really good under the moonlight

Taylor Browns - Taylor smiled up at him "Okay, well thank you anyway, I really love her." she thanked him. Now without his jacket, Taylor could see all of Calebs muscles and she would give anything to at least just stare, but she forced herself to look away. When they got to the barn, Taylor un bridled Houdini and put him in his stall for the night. When she was done, she turned back to Caleb and gave him a hug. "Thanks for staying and talking, its nice to have someone to talk to." she said against his chest in a the hug. When she pulled away she gave him a little peck on the cheek before skittering away towards her house.

Caleb smiled and chuckled. That girl was strange. He started to walk to his cabin before realising she still had his jacked. He turned to ask for it but he decided against it and just went to his cabin

Taylor Browns - Taylor went back to her house and got ready for bed. She put on her pajamas, but put on Calebs jacket over it. Taylor crawled into bed like that and wrapped herself up in his jacket, getting smothered with his scent. Taylor fell asleep with ease that night, thinking about Caleb. She had kissed him on the cheek, and he didn't seem to not like it. Maybe she would get her Caleb back. When she woke the next morning, she checked her phone to see a text from Chad, reading -Hey, the gangs gonna go to the bar in town tn, wanna come with?- Taylor had never been to a bar. She had never drank alchol either, but she assumed Caleb would be there so why not. -Sure, when r we meeting there?- she asked -8pm- -kk, see u then-

Caleb was chilling in his cabin that night. He sat on his bed kinda bored, he wasn't going to any bars for a while. He watched stuff on his phone till the text came through from Chad -want to come to the bar?- Caleb has doctors orders. -can't doctors orders- Caleb replied. He soon got another text -Taylor will be there- Caleb rolled his eyes he wanted to resist but he couldn't. "Dam it" he cursed himself. -fine- he replied. He put on a compression shirt and his jeans. He put his hat on his head and drove to the bar.

Taylor Browns - Taylor got dressed, putting on short jean shorts, and a summery white spaghetti strap tank top. Chad picked her up in his truck, he was one of the designated drivers. About a third to the group pilled into Chad truck, and we made our way over to the bar. The rest of them met Chad and Taylors group in the parking lot, and they all walked in together. Taylor was the only girl in the group, and she couldn't find Caleb... Taylor walked in with the boys, and ordered a beer. She didn't know what it tasted like, or anything about drinking really, but she wanted to learn.