
Caleb waled In around 15 minutes later. He walked over to the gang and smiled. He talked to one of the boys, jaden, they talked for a bit before Caleb noticed Taylor. He gave her a smile and continued the conversation

Taylor Browns - Taylor was talking to Chad when Caleb walked in. She noticed, and smiled back, blushing a bit. Taylor was feeling a bit tipsy, already having downed her first and second beer, she was nearing the end of her third.

caled noticed "woah princess you might pass out if you dont slow down" he half warned half teased her. hed gotten his first beer and was almost on the second. he had gotten more comftable around taylor and they were kinda friends again.

Taylor Browns - Taylor blinked lazily at him. "Princess? Why'd you call me princess?" I asked, clearly wasted. Taylor finished her third. "Hey, can I have another beer please?" she called out to the bartender, slurring her words together. "Sure" the baretender agreed.

caleb looked at her and shook his head. "no hold that beer" caleb tole the bar tender. he then turned to taylor. "keep drinking so recklessly and you'll knock yourself out princess" he said. it was true caleb had watched another girl drink yo much to fast once and she was out cold for a good hour or so

Taylor Browns - "Aw, cmon, be fun for once" she retorted and gave him a nasty look, although she didn't really mean it. Taylor went to walk past him and storm away, but she tripped over her own two feet, falling straight into Caleb.

caleb half fell over. "how about we make a deal?" after i finish my second you can have another beer." he said helping her stand up and stay up.

Taylor Browns - "Fine" Taylor grumbled, too out of it to really understand much. She watched Caleb sip on his beer eagerly, waiting till she could get another one too. But after a few more minutes passed, her stomach started to turn. Taylors skin went pale and she felt awful. "...I don't feel to good..." she mumbled clutching her stomach.

caleb had finished his beer and had his third and looked over "whats wrong?" he asked most the groops attention on the two of them

Taylor Browns - "I..." she began mumbling, but she quickly covered her mouth and ran outside, vomiting in the grass just outside the door. Taylor scrambled to hold her hair back, but she did have a lot of hair.